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"You look great" Daniel complimented grining widely whilst I make my way downstairs for breakfast and ...

my surprise

"I'm literally wearing sweats and a tshirt" I smiled

"I know but you still look breath takingly beautiful" He countered

"Awwe, look who woke up on the right side of the bed"

"Any side of the bed is the right side when you're sleeping next to me"

"You play too much, are you ready?

"Yes, let's go.

Spencer drove Daniel and I in the direction of the smokehouse we went last night and not long after we came to a stop.

Daniel reaches in his pocket and pulls out a blindfold before turning to face me and asks

"Can I blindfold you?"

I really liked Daniel or atleast I was trying to but before I could gather my thoughts they
Shrieked from my lips opposingly

"No, why did you want to - are you trying to - I - you do underts-"

"Hold on, Hold on, Calm down. 
If you don't want to that's fine, just close your eyes I'll direct you. I am not going to hurt you" He whispers in a convincing tone

A small part of me knew he meant no harm

"Daniel  I-"

"I'm not going to hurt you, trust me" he calmly expressed with a look of comfort and trust worthiness

"Ok. I'll close my eyes"

I trust him...well for this at least

Daniel led me off the street and into a enclosed space, atleast that's what I  could pick up

"Open your eyes" His blissful voice commanded

I slowly opened my eyes peeking at the room.

"Whats this?"

"I thought it'd be better for your business if you had a physical location so I got you this store"

I couldn't help it a faint smile appeared on my face, I actually appreciate him caring about the success of my business well ...for a quick second before my inner self hinted at him using this as a way to keep me here.

"I hope you didn't buy this "

"I didn't, I know how independent you're. I'm actually not even sure if you will accept it but I leased it for a couple months"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Frankly I'm trying to make up for how things started between us and  I really do believe in you and your vision"

Here I go believing him again, I really hope I'm not making a mistake

"Thank you"

"My pleasure,  but there's ..moreee "

"more?" I asked nervously

Oh lord, here we go

"Yes, through that door, there" He pointed to a door in the corner of the room

I catiously walked over to the door and watched it open exposing a production room

"It has all the machinery, packaging, containers and everything else you need" He cheered

"I see that, Thank you"

"There's no need to thank me, it's the least I can do considering"

"I cannot believe my dreams are coming to life right before my eyes"

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