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Less than twenty minutes later I find a boutique. I entered the establishment and within minutes everyone inside knew who I was, or rather who they thought I was,

Daniel Saint Aubry's girlfriend.

I tried my best to focus on my shopping but I was constantly assailed by the chaos, women with questions about how to bag a millionaire, women judging me about dating a white man, women curious about dating a white millionaire, everything of the sort.
I had very little time to focus on shopping and in the end had to leave sooner than planned with nothing.

I grabbed lunch and a few supplies then went back to the store. After much consideration I settled on a opening sale for the entire day and a cocktail reception in the evening, I knew it was short notice but I hoped with Daniel's connection it would be a great turn out.

After a slow afternoon I texted Daniel for his help.

"Hey, I have a great idea for the grand opening ..need your soon will you be home?"

● Message Delivered ● Message Read ● Typing

"Yaay! 🎊😊😊😊, Be home by seven"

I locked up the store and requested an Uber. Once I got back to the penthouse I took a shower and started preparing dinner, I made chicken pargmigiana and spaghetti because I honestly wasn't sure what exactly Daniel liked.

I waited on the couch for him to get home.


The elevator dings and the penthouse door swings open

"I'm late I'm late, I know, I'm sorry, I was on my way home when my dad's nurse called and-

If things were under normal circumstances I would be furious with Daniel for showing up an hour and forty five minutes later than promised and without a call or text but these weren't normal circumstances.

"Is he okay?" I interrupted before Daniel could finish

"He is now, I just pray things stay calm for the rest of the night, there's only so much his nurse can handle"

"You could've stayed the night, if that would make you feel better "

"I want to be here with you, helping you"

Oh my geee, he's so sweet!

"I made dinner, I'll warm it up while you take a shower then we can discuss business "

"Copy that" Daniel replied before disappearing up the stairs.

Ten Minutes Later

"That smells amazing..." He compliments

"Chicken Parmigiana with spaghetti and cranberry juice" I notified


He collects his food and we walk over to the dining room table, he wasted no time inquiring about my day and my business.

"How was your day?"

"Well, I had my first customer today-

Without him even waiting for me to finish he Congratulated me

"Whaaaat? That's major! Congratulations! I'm so proud of you"

"Thank you, it's a fulfilling feeling especially because I haven't even officially opened"

"That's so great..what else happened? I need every detail!"

I really wanted to believe that Daniel was always genuinely curious about my days when he asked at night but a part of me could feel there was something more to it, why does he want to know every detail?!

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