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Are you ready?"

for what?"

It's your turn y'all youngins say it? drive the boat?

haha. you're not funny...I'm ready

"Okay here... take over, he reaches the paddle towards me

I take it and attempt to begin paddling

"So no standing"

"I was getting to it"

"Oh, my bad. I don't mean to rush"

we soon switch positions, and this was way better than I thought it would be, to be honest, I was freaking out about nothing and I'm so glad he set this up for us, for a minute this experience brought everything into perspective for me, I've been thinking about a few things lately, a few bold moves I want to make but anxiety has been getting the best of me and I keep brushing them off, being here, on top of the water, reminds me how much we can let fear deter us from our calling and focus solely too much on the what ifs, this trip has been so great for me, not just because we're celebrating the love of my life but in a sense, I'm discovering myself all over again, we're both about to walk into an amazing next chapter.

"Stay here. I'll go get my board and paddle, I'll be right back."



"So what do you think?

"I love it, I'm having so much fun!!! how about you? Are you enjoying your birthday?"

"Absolutely, couldn't be more perfect"

"Aww, so what I'm hearing is I gave you the best birthday ever?"


"Now how do I kiss you while on this"

'I'll come closer"

We both lean in to try and kiss when..yup, you guessed it, we tumble over

Our paddle boarding continues for a little while more before we head back to the villa to have lunch,

"You're about to give me another gift, aren't you?

How can you tell?"

You've got that mischievous look on your face

I have a mischievous look.


I'm afraid I have to disagree I have a top-tier poker face

"I disagree, it needs some work, I can always tell how you're feeling by your facial expressions

I doubt it

You're literally scrunching your face right now, you're thinking about it to see if I'm right

Okay, I'll give you that

We grab our cover-ups and head out to the patio to begin ordering our lunch

We browse through the menu we've for the villa's dine-in experience a bit.

What would you like birthday boy? I ask hoping his choice will inspire mine

I don't know, everything sounds so good, and these pictures, mouth-watering

yeah. I lowkey had no idea Antigua and Jamaica had such similar cuisine. Rice & peas, saltfish, callaloo, jerk chicken, johnny cakes, it's all there

I think whatever we choose will be delicious, you can never go wrong with something Jamaican-inspired

Agreed, but it's your birthday, you should decide

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