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Daniel's POV

As the first light of dawn painted the room in soft hues of gold, I stood by the window, feeling my nerves tangibly present.My gaze rested on Shanice, her form peaceful in slumber. The room was hushed, filled only with the steady rhythm of her breathing.

Excitement and anxiety mingled within me as I watched her, the woman who had become the axis of my world. In the gentle morning light, her features softened, a serene expression gracing her face as she slept, unaware of the significant day ahead.

Thoughts of the proposal buzzed in my mind, the words I had rehearsed countless times now playing on a loop. Would they adequately convey the depth of my feelings?

To keep Shanice blissfully unaware of the impending proposal, our family had orchestrated a day filled with activities and small surprises. The goal was to maintain a casual atmosphere while subtly guiding her through the day without revealing the true nature of the surprise.

Yanique's P.O.V

In the morning, Tia and I were so excited to show Shanice around the lively local market. We had a great time wandering through all the colorful stalls, trying out different exotic fruits, and checking out all the beautiful handmade crafts. It was such a fun way to keep Shanice's mind off things and just enjoy the moment.

Meanwhile, Kev did an amazing job handling all the proposal preparations. He was so careful about keeping everything a surprise, making sure to communicate with vendors discreetly so that Shanice wouldn't suspect a thing. Thanks to his careful planning, everything was set up perfectly without leaving any clues behind.

As the day went on, we gently guided Shanice back to the vacation home, suggesting that she freshen up before an evening celebration with our families. This smooth transition allowed us to get everything ready for the proposal without Shanice catching on.

With Shanice momentarily occupied, the family members hurriedly put the finishing touches on the enchanting setup, ensuring that everything was in place for the magical moment.

As Shanice glided down the stairs in her beautiful summer dress, I couldn't help but admire her elegance and beauty. The family kept things relaxed, hiding our excitement as we waited for the big surprise. The proposal site looked magical, with twinkling fairy lights creating a dreamy backdrop against the evening sky, promising a truly special moment.

Our little tricks worked perfectly, keeping Shanice in the dark as she stepped into what would soon become a treasured memory for our family. Every detail was carefully planned to create a proposal that captured the essence of their love story and Daniel's deep affection for Shanice.Meanwhile, Daniel, looking sharp in his perfectly fitted suit, was practically bursting with nervous excitement. The ring burning a hole in his pocket felt like a precious secret, waiting to be unveiled in a moment of pure magic.

The proposal site itself was truly enchanting. A floral arch, adorned with delicate blush and white blooms, stood beneath the branches of a majestic oak tree, surrounded by twinkling fairy lights that mirrored the stars above. A path of rose petals led to a gazebo overlooking a serene lake, where a table for two was set, ready for the celebration of their love.

As the afternoon gently transitioned into evening, our family assembled, each of us assuming our carefully assigned roles. Shanice, adorned in a breathtaking floral maxi dress that echoed the romance of the moment, was guided towards the eagerly anticipated surprise that awaited her.

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