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As our trip comes to a close, we venture out from our Airbnb to experience Antigua like a true local. Stepping out onto the street adjacent to our property, we are met with a familiar scene reminiscent of Jamaica - local vendors selling grilled food and handmade goods. We pause to purchase a souvenir when a friendly woman informs us that a cricket match is taking place at a nearby stadium.

We arranged for a taxi and arrived within ten minutes. The event was packed with hundreds of people and countless food vendors. Although I had attended several sporting events in Jamaica, I was eager to experience cricket in a new way. While on our way to the stadium, we stopped to grab something to eat. After all, it's hard to focus on an empty stomach.

Kay's food cart catches our attention with its amazing aroma amidst a variety of food scents in the atmosphere.

Kay's food cart catches our attention with its amazing aroma amidst a variety of food scents in the atmosphere

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When we got to the venue, we were thrilled to see that our seats had an amazing view without any obstructions. The food was delicious and exceeded our expectations.

The cricket match today is between West Indies and Zimbabwe. Although I'm not an expert on the game, I know enough to enjoy the game. I just hope that Daniel knows enough about it too, as I won't be much help otherwise.

Our conversation was interrupted by a friendly couple seated next to us, but they were enjoyable company.

"Are you guys from America?"

Well sort of, I'm Jamaican he's American

Oh that's cool

I'm Kenyan and my husband here is Russian Chinese

I don't think I've ever met anyone that's half Russian, half Chinese

I get that a lot, My grandparents took my mom on a trip to China and there she met my dad and well the rest is....me

We all chuckle

I'm Avi by the way his wife introduces


I'm Shanice and this is Daniel, nice to meet you guys.

Although Daniel seems particularly quiet, I cannot tell if he's really into the game or just not interested in this conversation.

So how about you man? Are you just plain American? Lin asks Daniel

After a moment of silence, Daniel moved his gaze from the field to Lin

A minute passes before he answers

It's just plain ole American

As we already know that's not true, I'm not exactly sure why Daniel lied, but I won't press him about it; even though I can sense there's something more going on here than just him being private.

"OK," Lin replies before we awkwardly focus our attention back on the game.


The game was very fun, and I'm glad Daniel and I were able to share these things.

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