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That night we stayed at Jack's house. Daniel feared these were his father's last days and wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.

"Hey, I'm going to have one of my guys go pick up our things from the country, I'm moving back to my place, I want to be closer to my dad, if you still want my my help with everything I'm still down to and when you accomplish everything you came here to you can go back home...Deal?"


"My driver is on his way"

Following our conversation I made myself some coffee and Daniel spent some time with his dad. After about twenty minutes, Spencer came to pick us up and drove fifteen minutes away to another skyscraper. We entered through the parking garage and into the building. There were 48 apartments and a penthouse on the 49th floor but the building had 50 floors.

When the elevator pinged and the door opened we arrived inside a huge penthouse, modernly decorated, it was two floors and huge, there were atleast 5 bedrooms and it had the most amazing views.

"Damn, you live here?"

"I do"

" this place I don't even know the word"

"6,325-square-foot, four bedrooms, four full bathrooms, and two half bathrooms, 651 square feet of exterior space and a killer view"

"So the 50th floor is.."

"Up those stairs"

"Tell me you're rich without telling me your rich"

Daniel chuckled

"I'm claustrophobic "

"Right, right"

"I hope there's some good food in this 6,325 square feet penthouse "

"There's plenty "

He walked over to the kitchen

"Here's the pantry...have it your way"

"Oh okay burger king"

"I'll go find you some clothes so you can get cleaned up"

"Thank you"

I took a bowl, a spoon and some cinnamon toast crunch from the pantry and cabinets and then searched for milk in the fridge, you could tell Daniel was very cautious about what he put in his body, he had alot of healthy food options around. I sat on a stool at the counter and made myself some cereal. As I sat there in silence I thought about what Daniel said. He was willing to just let me go? Too good to be true?! Why did I kiss him? Was I developing feelings for a man who was playing me? So much ran through my brain. How did I end up in this situation? Trying to figure out if the man that bought me like property really liked me??? Jesus..send help.

"This should do until your clothes arrives"

"Thank you again.
-Can I ask you something?"

"Yes, go ahead"

"Why're you letting me go?"

"Isn't that what you want?"

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