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" Hi my love"
"Hey baby!"
"Whatchu got there? He asks staring at the envelope in my hand
"something for you"
"I like the sound of that"
"What exactly do you think i have in here"
"I dont know but i bet ill like it"

"Well thats true, here take a look"

Are we going on a world tour for my birthday?

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Are we going on a world tour for my birthday?

That's funny. Actually, we're going to one of the four islands here and whichever one you choose, I'll cover all expenses.

You don't need to worry about paying for anything, I'll take care of it for you.

As I was about to grab my laptop from the counter, he stopped me, took out his wallet, and handed me a gold card.

"Here, use this"

his birthday is a week away we needed to book air tickets, an Airbnb, and plan the entire itinerary. I hope we can still get everything done on time.

First, I will focus on our plane tickets. I think two weeks will be enough time for us to return to Jamaica or the USA, depending on the lawyer's decision. Next, I search for suitable Airbnbs. I'm not at all worried at this part, I know for sure I can choose a great Air BnB.

With tickets and our accommodation book, I move on to planning our activities. After two hours, I have crafted what I believe will be the ultimate birthday trip for any adult man.

Now, it's time to do some shopping! My favorite part.Scrolling my FN account for cute vacation outfits and bikinis. Lots of great bikini's cause sis is summer body ready...period

I can't wait to enjoy paradise with my beau


Everything is going great on this end. I feel like you sometimes, we've gone through the premade products you left and I've been making with the team, we only hope it's as good as when you make it.

I'm sure it is Ashanti, thank you for holding everything down, I'm not sure exactly when we'll be back yet, we still have a few things to take care of and Daniel's birthday celebration is coming up soon too.

Take your time, we're here, we all so grateful that you took a chance on us and doing our very best

Okay, good. Two persons should be stopping by this week, Juliana should be stopping in to double-check the books and a representative from a security firm should be stopping in to install additional security measures, with everything digital now I want us to slowly transition into using digital wallets versus cash so I also ordered more digital card machines.

Sounds good. The girls noticed the increase in traffic and have let me know that they're okay with coming in on Sundays as well if needed.

Let's put a pin in that right now, I Appreciate the offer but I also want you guys to have a life outside of work.

With everything that's been going on I'm thinking about possibly expanding CC, our orders have been off the charts lately and I want to supply the public demand but a bigger space means more employees and I want to make sure that things are good with the ones I have none, last thing I want to do is go big too fast and have a business fail.

I look over my list of current products and compare it to one of the products I plan to have soon. Going completely organic is the best decision I ever made for my hair and skin and I'm truly happy my products are making other persons lives easy too.

We should be using anything that contains an ingredient we can't pronounce.

Before dan and I leave I meet up with the girls one last time.

We head into Montego bay for brunch and chit chat?

So miss, about this romaine character, what's going on there?

Sis say a doctor she draw fah breddaz

What an ambitious couple, judge and doctor

Him being a doctor is a bonus, that's not why I'm with him

I'm sure, so whats tea?

I've actually known him for a while and never saw us as anything more than associates but things and time change i guess

hmm, so he's here im guessing that means you want our input?

yeah, throw him to the wolves to see if he'll return leading the pack

dat is it

he seems like a good dude but we know things aren't always as they seem, just trust your instinct

yeah, if something feels off it probably is but also try not to hold him accountable for things he didn't do, don't let your past experiences or the experiences you've witnessed any of us have with men interfere too much with who he is, allow him to show you who he is..

The truth usually doesn't take long to show itself...and when it does, don't be like me ...leave the toxic situation

I forgot how good you were at being a big sis


i mean we havent spoken in a...

i know i know , ill do better in reach out and actually talking not just checking up, promise.

Alrite me next inna the psych chair"

Haha funny kev

Hi sweets! Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote💕 love you ❤️

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