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This chapter is dedicated to @ElleEllisPatt. Thank you for supporting sweets, Love you!💙

There was a rattle in the room and it woke me from my sleep almost immediately, usually, I'm a heavy sleeper but with everything that happened last night I was on edge.

Scared to open my eyes, I slowly started peaking, it was Daniel, he wasn't in bed next to me but instead, getting dressed. He was now in new clothes and he packed his necessities back in his backpack, I didn't even notice before that he had a different phone or that this was probably my second time seeing him out and he wasn't wearing a suit.

What are you doing? I ask and my voice comes out hoarse and lower than expected

"Good Morning Sunshine"

He stops what he's doing and has a seat on the bed.

"I'm leaving"

"I thought you were gonna stay now that I'm here by myself"

"I have to get back, you can reach out to Yanique"

"We aren't exactly on speaking terms right now

"I'm sorry babe, what happened?

"Nothing, I don't wanna be alone right now

"I can have your flight moved up

"Yeah, I'd like that"

"How about Friday? It'll give u some time to think about making up with Yanique"

"I don't th- Friday works"

"I know what'll cheer you up in the meantime


He reaches into his bag pack, and there it is.

Lotus flower, eighteen carats white gold diamond

Lotus flower, eighteen carats white gold diamond

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I can't believe he brought it,

May I?"


He gently slips it on my ring finger, it's so perfect,

He knew just what I wanted, what the lotus flower means to me...

I love you"

I love you too" I respond

He kisses me on my forehead and grabs his bag but before he walks out of the room he turns and

"Remember, I was never here."


I needed more than anything else the comfort of my best friend right now but I knew I couldn't tell Yanique what had happened the moment she hears, Kidnapped, and sold. She would tell me to leave and trust me I know I shouldn't ever be in a situation like this, it's pretty twisted that I'm in love with the man who bought me but I am, I can't help it, I can't help who I love and I can't help the circumstances under which we met, all I know is I love him, that's all that should matter. Nonetheless, I need to talk to someone, what he said stuck with me.

I need to make up with Yanique, it's the right thing, I know I said some pretty hurtful stuff but she's my best friend, We'll be fine.

I shoot her a message.

Lunch on me? Little Ochie @12:30pm?

Message delivered, message read

No response.

Okay. I deserve that.

She'll come, right? Of course, she will, she's my best friend.

10 am

Time to get ready. I already informed George that I needed him to chauffeur us.

I really need to take these braids out. I've had them for-ever! When this trips over though.

I put my braids up in two space buns and make my edges, then I take a long cold shower to keep my body cool on the beach.

After which I grabbed a nude triangle thong two-piece bikini with a plain white kimono and my Christian Dior Dway slide.

Okay, I'm already running behind, Jamaicans can't be early no matter how hard they try

I make my way downstairs and into the car but not before checking my messages one last time to see if Yan had replied.


I emerged from the vehicle and take a seat at an empty bench close by the entrance making sure to text her where I was.
I glance over at the time on my phone

1 pm.

Maybe she's not coming. Maybe this is where we outgrow each other.

Let's wait a little longer.


I had my head buried in my phone and then there was a shadow over me, by the time i held my head upwards there she was sitting across from me.

"Hey, Thanks for coming" it was just the first thing that flew out..


"I wanted to apologize for everything that happened, I said some pretty hurtful things that I definitely didn't mean and i know that everything you did and said is all because you love me but i was just being stubborn and wanted things done my way.

I didn't meet with him, in fact, i have stopped communicating with him completely, he's blocked on everything...im here to spend time with the people i love and figure out my life, not to break bonds and cause unnecessary drama, i really am sorry, and i hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me"

"You're right Shanice, everything i do, i do because i love you, you're the sister I've never had, it is a part of my responsibility as your friend to always make sure uh gud,
But I also want to apologize too, i could've handled things differently but i need you to hear me, i can't lose you or our friendship, especially not after i quit my job so i could spend time with you..I -

Ummm, thank you and huh? You quit your job?

Yeah, but that a fi lata,

No Yan, wah uh mean?

Lata we talk bout dat, as fi rn, me hungry

What's new?"

We both laughed and left to order our food then we spent the rest of the evening together.

"So, where did you go when you left?"

"Just tell a wild guest"

"Don't tell me- the bartender?"



Relax, we didn't sleep together or anything which i appreciate cause it shows that he respects my boundaries.

Girl, I'll never understand you but whatever makes you happy"'

"That is it"

The Next Day

I didn't speak to Daniel last night, honestly, Im still processing all of this. At this point I don't even know if i should go back to America...and what did he even do to Andrew? Is he dead? Is Daniel a killer? I don't know but I can't lay in bed with a man that plays God. I came here to figure stuff out but instead shook it up way more than I'm capable to withstand.

Ugggh, is this adulthood? Will i ever figure things out?

I feel so, confused in an attempt for a better word. I don't even think I know who i am anymore.

Jesus pilots my life.

Enough of this overthinking.

At least I got my best friend back and that's a win in itself.

Hey Lovelies! Thank you guy as always for supporting, don't forget to go follow the book's insta(@1capture_d).

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