Broken Clocks

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I refocus my attention on Danny.

We can deal with that mess later.

"So this entire time you've been downstairs, and I've been texting and calling you?"

"Yes, I was upset, I needed a minute. I didn't think you'd get this upset"

"I - just- I honestly don't- I'm happy your alive and not laying in a ditch somewhere, your dinners in the microwave" I countered and ascended the stairs to our bedroom.

What a day!

The Next Day

I honestly wasn't sure whether Daniel came to bed last night and right now, I don't know if I care.

But I still didn't feel my best self, I don't like where my life is right now, and I can't even find the strength to go in to work today, I guess this is where having help would come in. I grab my phone and scroll through my notes for the list of Candidates that I had interviewed. There was this one girl, Ashanti, she was young and really had no experience but I trust her energy and she had a really positive Aura, I have a good feeling about her. It's probably still too early to call so I guess the store will just have to remain closed today.

I open Instagram to make PSA about the store closure and surely there it is, still, her message. What does this woman want from me, what does everyone want from me?

My mind starts to wander and I catch it. After logging into my business Instagram and making a post. I put my phone to sleep and roll over to try and get some extra Zzzzzzs I barely slept last night.

Five minutes of forceful eyes shutting and I'm still awake regardless of my tiredness. I really need some Jesus right now.

I know just who to call.

"Me coulda swear uh figot uh one madda eno"
My mother Greets me beaming with a huge smile and pure joy from the other end of the call.

"Neverrrr, uh crazy?"

"Hmm, make sure, what's up now?"

Where do I even begin?

"Nothing much just business as usual"

"Uh sure?" She asks peeping through squinting eyes and I know she knows I'm lying.

"Uh hear bout Andrew?" I ask

"Which Andrew, Shanice?" she asks in an attempt to field out where I was with him

"Andrew Andrew, mommy, I heard he has cancer, is it true?"

"I don't know eno, me hear it to but anuh from no valid source, just ppl a chat, why you asking me about that man?"

"Me just wah know, if it's true, that's sad. It's ...he was my husband eno mommy"

" I know that Shanice, I was sitting less than 6 ft away when you said I do but he is also the man that almost took you from us, that man is not good for you, leave it alone"

"Me just curious mommy, death is s-"

"Shanice I don't think that man has any cancer, you know how his parents are, his dad would've preached about it long time"

"Maybe they're waiting, how did it just come from nowhere outta the blue?"

" You know how rumors work, all I can tell you to do is pray, if he really is dying pray and ask God to let his will be done and if he isn't we can never get too much prayer but hear me when I tell you this, LEAVE that man alone"

"I hear you mommy, so what's up? How's everything?"

I text with my siblings all the time but it's honestly been a while since I spoke with my parents so I spent the first half of the morning catching up with my mom and as per usual it ended with her praying.

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