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Daniel POV

What's Good Bryan?"

I got some intel Boss, I think you'd prefer to hear it in person

You already said that on the phone, get to the point

It's about your sister, Jacque

What about her?

As you know I've been having...

Get to the point Bryan

It's your mom

what about my mom?

She knew about Jacque


I had someone investigate and it turns out your mom has met Jacque's mom before.

Are you sure?

I'm certain Boss.

How long?

All of her life

Thanks for the info, keep digging.

Will do Boss.


What's up bro

Take me to my mom'!

To: George 📲
How's the Brunch going?

Your sister hasn't shown up yet

Cool, keep me updated.


Hey Mijo, what brings you by?

Mom, Is there anything about Jacque that you'd like to tell me?

No, why would I know anything about Jacque

That's what I thought before I found out otherwise

What, mijo, what are you talking about?

Please don't lie to me, Mom

Take a seat, Daniel

I rather stand

Take a seat, Daniel


I didn't necessarily know Jacque, I knew her Mom Trina


I'm getting to that

She's one of the many women your dad was sleeping around with,

What else?

"I met her once when she was pregnant with Jacque. She came to me, begging me to talk to your dad. When she found out she was pregnant, she told him and he threatened to take her baby, She was scared she came to me to get me to talk to him, I knew I wouldn't change his mind so I helped her, I gave her some money and had her leave town, your dad found out maybe two weeks later and he told me he'd handled it, I took that as he had off'd them. I never heard from Trina after, I thought they were dead until his funeral.

Why would Dad want to take her child?"

He wanted us to raise you and her together. Trina wasn't exactly the type of person your daddy wanted to be mixed up with publicly.

Why not?

She was a druggie, Daniel.

Mom, why are you lying to me??

I'm not

You know I've been looking into Jacque since she showed up, I found nothing that linked Trina to drugs, she wasn't a druggie. Mom, what happened!?

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