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What about the wedding?
What about it?
Are we getting married in a church or?
On a beach?
Yeah? You strike me as the church girl
I'm a church girl when it's time for a church but for our wedding. I'm thinking of something outdoorsy... Great garden or the beach.
That sounds great, we'll do it in Jamaica
Yes, for sure.

Do you have a time limit on our engagement too?
Time limit...I chuckle a bit, technically speaking, we've been engaged already for months, and I am ready to be your wife.
There's nothing else this relationship could throw at me that I am not prepared for, I want to be your wife

Okay but I am going to give you an actual engagement story that you can tell everyone, our families, kids, grandkids even, not the bullshit story that's the truth

So we're both agreeing right now to never tell anyone that doesn't already know how we met?

Yeah, why would we wanna tell anyone that?

But your family knows, do we know for certain they won't slip up and tell anyone?

They won't trust me.

Okay and what about the biker crew
Biker crew?
Your security
They'll be good people to have in our back pockets just in case
And Remi? I wouldn't be surprised if he's in the ocean watching us right now
He's protecting us, that's his job, he's been everywhere with me for the last decade or so, he's my right-hand man. He's family. Just look at him as a cousin or something

A cousin that doesn't like me?

Why do you think that?
I don't know, a vibe a guess
He can be a bit standoffish but he's really a sweetheart- okay maybe not a sweetheart but he's good people, I promise
I dont want him on vacation when we go
We can't just be alone in another country without protection, you know what this life entails

We can, nothing will happen
You know how you were saying that you don't want a life where we've to be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives?
With Remi, we don't ever have to. He has our backs. His intentions are pure, I promise.
Okay, I trust you, so if you trust him then I guess that counts for something.

as long as he isn't watching us have sex or anything weird like that



what's next?

Yeah, you know I believe in god and you believe in?
I'm catholic babe, I believe in god
So will we rise our kids catholic?
I think we should let our kids decide what they
agreed on, but what do we do until they can decide? will we christen our kids? What will we base our morals on if not our beliefs?

I think we'll indirectly raise them based on our Christianity but I also don't want us forcing anything on them, they don't have to go to church if they do not want to, it'll only make them resent us and god, if they decide they're a Jew then they're a Jew, a Buddhist then we'll support that

For sure, I'll support my kids in anything, but what are we basing our mortality on


What do you mean?

Whatever is good, whatever makes them happy, that's the right thing,

Okay. Anything that makes them happy within reason, we'll allow them to be a part of the decision-making process but that doesn't mean they'll always get the final say

what about circumcision? will we be circumcising our son?

yes, we're not letting our son have an ugly penis

you just said you were a catholic

yes, but I had to get a circumcision at 18 and I'm not letting our son go through that

I agree but I wanted to hear your very traumatizing story

Oh wow, good to know

we both chuckle

What about whooping?
You wanna whoop them?
No, I know that whooping creates a lot of trauma, but how will we discipline them?
Like adults
Babe huh?
Not gentle parenting but we keep it real with them, they get in trouble for something we talk to them about it, treat them like adults, none of that baby talk, facing the wall bull
Okay but what about time outs? I think that a good way for them to reflect on what they've done as long as they aren't facing the wall
Okay no wall facing ever
Baby names? Do we like traditional or modern?
A mixture of both, I'm not naming our baby Edna but we're also not naming our kids, blade or Aire or anything of that sort
Is there anything from your past you think I should know?
Like what? Is there any other amber popping up? Any illegitimate kids?
Ambers no? I f*cked a few women, a lot of one-night stands but Amber was something different and never had that connection with any other girl. And no not even you, what we have is way different in a better way. Illegitimate kids? Maybe? He scoffs a little- a new woman comes out of the woodwork maybe once every six months to try and pin their kids on me, I've never been the dad

How comes? Low sperm count?

You're the only woman I've ever...never protected myself with
Oh, so am special?
In every way
wow, I'm flattered.
Surprised you aren't pregnant yet, to be honest.
Admittedly me too, birth control is not for me, and I didn't know you knew what a condom was...then again things never happen before their time...right?
Crazy to think there could be a baby in there right now
There isn't trust me. I'd know.
Hmmh. Okay. Do you think your family still has any reservations about me, or us?
I think my family will always have reservations about my relationships, Andrew did a number on us, and even though I trust you and they trust me, there's still that part of them that doesn't trust my decision, I don't think it something they can help, that's just how it is.

I do not want to be on bad terms with your family

I know, I don't want that either, in-laws are supposed to be a second family, great addition, not haters, enemies, and serpents. Things aren't perfect but over time they'll get better.

Any update on the case?

It's not looking good, I think I may have to take things into my hands


Don't worry, I got this

please just be careful


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