As I am

337 35 9

"When's your birthday?"


I'm not ready to have sex with a man whose birthday I don't know

"When's your birthday?" I asked again sliding off him and on the couch

"May 7 1991
When's yours?"

"September 26 1995, tell me about your siblings "

"Matias is 25, Sofia is 21 and greyson is 14..."

" I'm the oldest, my brother Kevaughn follows me he is 23 and my twin sisters
Tamara and Tiara are 19"

"Any allergies?

"Not that I know about you?"

"Same. ..What kind of degree do you have?"

"Political Science"

"Dad. Yeah. I remember. Communications and Journalism "

"I already know about the marriage and kids answer, how many though?"


"A political answer ...that's my thing" he teased

"I don't have a set number, I'll know after my first"

"Truthfully, I don't know either. I want to have as many little me and my soul mate running around"

"What's your favorite food?"

"I don't really have one.."

"Same. Favorite color?"

"I don't have one"

"Not even a favorite shade?? Mine would be lilac for suree"

" I just,...yeah I don't have one "

"Is there anything that has happened in your life that you think I should know?"

"I saw an alien when I was 10"

"So you believe in aliens " I asked bursting out laughing

"Don't laugh at me.." He whined

"I'm not. I believe in them too. Just don't tell anyone "

"Who am I gonna tell?"

"I don't know, your bestfriend "

The mood changed. Daniel was no longer laughing.

"My best friend is ...indispose right now"

"He's dead?"

"No, that's so morbid. He's in a mental health facility.

"If you're willing to talk about it, what happened?"

"He...he had a mental breakdown. He's unable to function right now so he'll be in there until he's okay again"

"Has he been in there long?"

"Three weeks".

"He'll be fine "

"I really hope so."

Daniel and I continued conversing until we nodded off into slumber..

The Next Day

"I can't believe we slept here on the couch" Daniel says rubbing his eyes and sitting up from his position

"Atleast it's comfy" I replied

"It is, so what's on the agenda today?"

"I'll be designing a logo for my business "

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