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Daniels POV

"How is Jamaica"

"Shanice's Dad hates me"

"That's nonsense, Danny"

"I get to though, she has been through a lot so if I were him I'd hate any guy she's with too"

"Well, what are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know mom"

"He doesn't hate you because he doesn't know you, I know how closed off and nonchalant you can get but if there's ever a time for you to open up and be yourself it's now, and like you said he has all right to be protective of her so show him that you understand why, you can take the armor off now Daniel, the same way you did for her do it for her family too"

"I am being kind, honest, and respectful to him, I listened to everything he said and I plan to get it done, that's one of the reasons I called, how's everything that I asked you to take care of coming along?"

"I spoke to Mark and you should be able to move forward by the end of the month"

"I can't wait to get it over with, I need to cut all ties with the company, and everything else related to that man, I've been talking to Josiah, he's still waiting on the DA to give a certain answer, I can't go to jail for what this man did, I should've never associated my self with...

Control Daniel, I stop and take a breath, I can feel my temper suture rising

Everything will work itself out soon Daniel, you've to trust the universe's timing, you had no other choice, you choose us, your family, and thousands of other innocent lives

I know how you're about staying positive but I have to look at things from a logical standpoint mom, I could go to prison, this is a new DA, he's not the compassionate type, they can't send dad away so I'm the next best bet...

I know son, but I just can't think about what - I have to stay positive, Mark and Josiah have never let us down so we just have to keep positive and I really think you should tell Shanice about all of this

No, I can't do this to her, I can't break her heart mom, I can already see the pain and disappointment in her eyes, I don't want them to be real I -

Would you rather tell her yourself or have her find out herself?

I know I have to I just- Mom?

Yes, son?

Do you really think I should marry her?

Undoubtedly. She's good for you. Are you having second thoughts?

I just, don't want to bring any more chaos into her life, she didn't ask for any of this

Shanice Loves you, she shows you that every day, and that's why She's still here, she hasn't left already I don't think she will anytime soon, isn't that why even you're marrying her?

I will tell her, not today but soon. If everything works out I will be staying in Jamaica for a while, I want to spend time with her Family and friends, to see her when she's comfortable, when she's around the people she loves And I want you guys to visit too, to see how our families mesh together

"That sounds great, I'm there, just tell me when, I'm sure Mat, Gray, and Soph will be excited as well, we all love Shanice, and we'll love her family equally as well.

The conversation with my mom carries on for another half an hour about trivial matters. This is the first time in my life I've felt so helpless, I usually have control over things but there's so much chaos, I have done some things I am not proud of on the account of my father and his power has kept me out of trouble, there haven't been many consequences, at least not until I decided to end all his affairs permanently and hand all of his crap over to the Police, this new District Attorney is authoritative and insist that I do some time for what he refers to as "unnecessary solutions"...Easy for him to say since he was never in my position but my lawyer, my team is working hard to convince him otherwise, I know I could have it solved with one phone call but I'm always working on being better, every time my mind goes there she pops into my head, that smile, her voice. This would kill her, I can't do that to her, I don't ever want to know I'm the reason for her hurting, I love her too much.

My wife.


There you're. Why are you hiding out here

Hey mamas...have I told you how beautiful you look today?

Only a million times, is everything okay babe?

You and I in paradise? It doesn't get more better than this

She smiles a broad one and her cheek starts turning pink

"You're sweet...don't forget if you ever wanna talk, I'm here...

I walk over to her, we kiss and I stare into those big brown eyes, this reinforces what i already knew, I can't f8#k this up...maybe my mom was right, it's time I tell her

How could I forget? I'm okay baby"

just not right now, I have to savor this before it all possibly goes south, Im in paradise with my love.

I love you Mr.

I love you too Mrs. Saint. Aubrey

A look of confusion grew on her beautiful face

what's wrong?

that just sounds different for some reason

it does? And how does Mrs. Daniel J sound?

we'll work on it



how was your day?

It was great actually, I got to spend some much-needed time with my mommy, I hadn't realized how much I missed her until today

the good thing is we'll be here for a while so you'll get to have more days like that ...hopefully with my mom too


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