Fourty Nine

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Samantha's POV:

The second I saw Courtney's necklace in Yuta's hand, I slapped him. "Ow, what was that for?" He said as he held his cheek with his other hand. "You took my best friend's necklace that her dad gave her and had her worried sick and you expect me not to slap you?" I said. "Okay maybe I deserved that a little." Yuta said. "A little?!" I said furiously as I lunged for him, not able to control my anger in that moment but Baekhyun and Taeyong held me back.

"Why do you have Courtney's necklace?" Taeyong said as he continued to help hold me back but he struggled. "Because this necklace isn't just some necklace, it holds great power." Yuta said. "Huh? What kind of power?" Baekhyun said. "I have no idea but I know it's the one from the legend." Yuta explained. The boys let me go and I gave Yuta another good slap. "So you knew my best friend's necklace had power so you decided to take it for yourself." I said.

"First off ouch! And second off, I was selfish I know and I want to take it all back and apologize to Courtney and Sicheng both. The necklace didn't work for me so it must only work for her unless I just can't figure out how to use it." Yuta said. "Does anyone else know about this?" Baekhyun chimed in again. "No, just me." Yuta said. "Well we were going to go catch up with Courtney and WinWin hopefully if they're still out searching." I said. "Searching for what?" Yuta said confused.

"D.O." I said. He nodded and spoke again. "Can I come with? I mean like so I can apologize to Courtney especially." Yuta said. "Yes, you can. But you have to help us search for D.O." Taeyong said. I smiled at Taeyong, happy that he was even going to help look for someone that was considered the enemy. "Fine." Yuta said as we all got our stuff and began to walk off campus. The rest of the exo boys walked up to us and wanted to join us as if they could sense what we were doing. I guess it was kind of obvious it was something super important since Yuta and Taeyong were with us.

"I saw the whole scene with Courtney and Sicheng running off campus, it was epic." Sehun said. "I know right." Chanyeol chimed in. "Guys, we need to worry about finding my best friend and your friend right now." I said and they calmed down. "I'm just glad at least someone has principal focused on something else besides us, he is always on our asses all the time." Suho said. "Yeah, I don't think that guy likes anybody really." I said. As we all walked through the campus gates, girls all around stared at me in jealousy, I guess I would too if I saw some girl walking around with eleven of the hottest guys in school.

"I flipped my hair dramatically as all the girls whispered to each other but reassured them as I held Baekhyun's hand. Once we got away from the campus and onto the sidewalks on the side roads towards my street, I stopped for a second. "Wait guys, we could cover a lot more ground if we split up, I know that sounds stupid and it's when bad things happen in the movies but we also look way too obvious if twelve us are walking around together. What if those assholes come after us again?" I said.

"Damn, that's true." Kai, the man who barely spoke to me spoke up, taking me aback for a moment. "Alright, so Baekhyun, Yuta, Taeyong and Chanyeol with me. Kai, Suho and Chen you go together and Sehun, Xiumin and Lay you go together." I said. Baekhyun looked a bit upset I added Taeyong to our team but if we found Courtney and Sicheng, Taeyong needed to be the one to talk to Sicheng first and keep him from beating Yuta up. "Okay, so that's the plan, if you guys get any leads on any of the three, call one of us and let us know okay?" Baekhyun said.

The boys all nodded and we took off our separate ways. One group going towards the woods, the other checking the other neighborhoods and my group heading towards Courtney's house to see if we could find any clues as she wouldn't answer her phone. "Now try not to freak Johnny and Ten out too much, they might not know anything about Courtney being out of school hunting down a werewolf okay?" I said, never thinking I'd have to say that phrase. "Okay. Got it." Taeyong said.

We got to her house and I didn't even knock as I was always allowed in and just walked in, seeing it was unlocked which made me nervous. I walked in and heard Ten and Johnny crying so I quickly walked to the kitchen, followed by the four boys. The boys jumped for a second after they heard footsteps but calmed down once they saw it was just me. "What's wrong?" I said as I walked over to them. Johnny handed me the note as he tried to stop crying. I read it and felt a tear fall from my face, the way she wrote the note made it seem like she wasn't ever coming back.

I put the letter down, not wanting to look at it anymore and wiped the tear off my face. Maybe this whole situation was more serious than I had ever imagined, would my best friend die over all this? Did WinWin know about this letter? "Hey. Guys, Suho just texted and said they saw three people running through the woods." Chanyeol said. "Three people?" I questioned as I wondered if it was those three assholes looking around for Courtney and Sicheng or..could someone be following the two of them?

Hey guys. Thanks for reading! Sorry for taking so long, got a lot going on but hope you liked this chapter.

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