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Sam's P.O.V (One week later)
"Alright class, get into groups and start working on your assignment." The teacher announced as she went back to her desk. I looked over at Courtney and noticed that she was already looking at me. We smiled and scooted closer together. Since we were the only two Americans in our English class, we always grouped together. As I placed my new phone onto the table, because I never got my old one back from those strangers, I heard Courtney ask a question. "Don't we need a bigger group?" I glanced over at her and tilted my head in confusion. "For what?"

She looked down at the assignment and pointed at it. "It says to get in a group of 4-6. There's only two of us." Damn. She's right. I scanned the room to see if there were any people left, but to my dismay, everyone was paired up. I puffed out a breath and laid my head on the table. "We're screwed." I said. I felt a poke on my shoulder and turned to face the direction it came from. I saw that Courtney's face had turned paler then usual, and she was pointing to something.

I followed her hand and realized that the girls who took our seats at lunch last week, were walking straight to us. I immediately straightened up, hoping that they would just pass us. Instead, they did the opposite. The four girls stopped at our table and looked down at us. I looked up and saw that three of the four had no expressions on their faces. Two of them had long, straight, brown hair, while the other had short, blonde hair. The fourth girl had short, brown hair, and was the only one who had a friendly smile. She hid behind her friends and gave us a small wave.

I waved back but stopped when the blonde one glared at me. "We saw that you girls needed more partners, so we thought that it'd be nice to join you. I'm Victoria by the way." The shorter browned haired girl said. "I'm Amber." The blonde one added. "And I'm Krystal. This is Luna." Said the taller brown haired one as she pointed to the girl with short, brown hair. I nodded my head in greeting and pointed to the chairs around them. "You can have a seat with those." They grabbed the chairs and pulled up to our table.

"So..." Courtney spoke up. "What made you guys want to help us?" Amber looked at Victoria and they smiled. "Well," Amber started. "We wanted to properly welcome you guys to Korea. Welcome!" The group laughed and me and Courtney just chuckled lightly. Krystal motioned for them to stop and then smiled at us. "I also just wanted to talk about a rumor that we heard floating around. It involves you two." She pointed at Courtney and myself. "A rumor?" I questioned. "It's only been a week. What is the rumor about?"

Krystal started tapping on the table. "I heard that you two girls are involved with a certain group here at school. You've probably heard about them. They're called, Exo." She elaborated. My thoughts immediately went to the night in the alleyway, and how they haven't been at school in about a week. I frowned and nodded my head. "We've only seen each other once though. What's so bad about that?" I asked.

All the girls scoffed. Am I missing out on something? "What's so bad about that?" Victoria repeated. "I'll tell you what's bad about that. Krystal's boyfriend is in that group. Get the point now?" Courtney glared at them and said, "No. I don't get the point now." I could tell that Luna was getting uncomfortable from the tension in the air. "Um, guys." She said. "Why don't we try to ask them politely to stay away from them?"

My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. "Wait. What now?" I asked her. "You want us to stay away from them?" She nodded her head. "What for?" I continued. Amber chuckled at me and said, "Are you really that stupid?" I scowled at her and stood up. Courtney grabbed me before I could do anything drastic. Amber took this as her chance to continue what she was saying. "You can't hang out with those boys because Krystal's boyfriend is with them. We don't want him hanging around with girls like you."

This again. What the hell does she mean girls like us? I guess Courtney had the same idea because I heard her ask, "What do you mean? Is it because we're American?" The girls looked at one another and smirked. "Trust us." Victoria said. "That has nothing to do with what we are talking about." I was about to speak up when the bell sounded. I looked over at Courtney and sighed. We finished packing and when we were about to leave the class, someone called out our names.

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now