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Courtney's P.O.V (Same time as last chapter)

I finished unpacking the last of my things that were in my new room. My first day, not only in a new house, but in a new country as well. My mom didn't even tell me that we were moving from our home in America all the way to South Korea. The only good thing about moving here is that my best friend Samantha also moved and we are neighbors now. My mom and Samantha's parents work for the same business company. I don't know much about the company. All I know is that they are the reason why we moved. I couldn't complain though, the house is really nice. I wonder how Samantha is liking it here.

"Courtney!" I heard my mom yell, pulling me out of my thoughts. I tend to blank out a lot, causing me to daydream and not pay attention. "What?!" I yelled downstairs. No response. Wondering what she was yelling for, I walked downstairs cautiously. I suspected that she was about to fuss at me, so I kept my head down as I walked into the kitchen. "What is it mom?" I asked, ready to hear the yelling. When I didn't hear anything, I looked up and saw a man whom I had never seen before standing next to my mom. "Who is this?" I asked, wondering why the hell this random man was in my house.

"Honey, this is Heechul. He is our neighbor. Now have some manners." She spoke politely which was unusual. It was kind of funny seeing her act like a normal mom. While I was in the midst of trying not to laugh, my mom spoke up again. "Courtney, say hello to our neighbor. Sorry, she tends to go into her own little world most of the time." She said, looking from me to Heechul. "Sorry. Hello Heechul. See mom, I have been learning some Korean." I said, earning a glance from my mom who looked embarrassed. "Hi Courtney, it is nice to meet you." Heechul said. At least someone here speaks English. I just met this man and he is already more tolerable than most of the people back home. "Well, Courtney has to go to school soon. Maybe you could come back by later and you two could get to know each other." My mom said as she opened the door for Heechul. "That sounds nice. It was nice to meet you two. I think that we will be great friends." Heechul said as he started to walk out the door. My mom quickly waved and shut the door, looking at me, full of annoyance.

"Why are you not getting ready for school? You don't want to be late for your first day do you?" My mom said, motioning me up to my room. "Wtf mom? You were the one that called me down here." I said, getting savage with her. "Go get ready right now!" She yelled, while going back towards the kitchen. I quickly ran up to my room and slammed my door shut. This day was already off to a bad start. I walked over to my closet and found my school uniform. It feels weird to wear a uniform to school because back home, we just wore anything that fit the dress code. I could already tell that this country and the people in it were going to be a lot different from what I am use to. I put on my outfit, which consists of a white button-down shirt with a black jacket and the matching pleated skirt and bow tie.

I started to work on my long brown hair, that is generally unmanageable because it is so thick

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I started to work on my long brown hair, that is generally unmanageable because it is so thick. I didn't have to do much to it because it is naturally straight, so I just brushed it and started on my makeup. "You know, you shouldn't wear makeup. You are a pretty girl." I heard my mom say behind me. I turned around, wondering how long she had been standing there. "I want to make a good impression." I said to her while motioning her to leave. "You should just be yourself. Anyways, I am about to leave for work. Have a good day at school honey, love you!" My mom yelled as she left my room. "Love you too mom!" I yelled as I finished applying my dark eye makeup and put on some lip-gloss, before leaving my room, grabbing my backpack.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen and started packing my lunch. I checked the time and realized that it was only 7:15 and school started at 8, so I still had some time to kill. I decided to check out the back yard because I have basically only been to my room and the kitchen since we moved here. I walked outside to the breathtaking view of the city in the distance and the trees around me. Korea really was quite beautiful. I was only happy for a moment while looking out at the city, quickly realizing that Seoul is where my new school was. "I think I have had enough of nature today." I said to myself, now feeling disgusted by the thought of school. I started to walk back inside when I heard a rustling noise coming from the bushes. Being the fearless girl that I am, I went to check it out.

As I walked over towards the bushes to see what was moving around, the leaves continued to rustle. "Who is there?" I said, getting into the position to fight whatever it was. I kicked my foot out into the bush, surprised when someone caught it, or should I say something. I pulled my foot back quickly, making what I now realized was a person fall back. It took me a moment to realize who it was. "Heechul... What are you doing in the bushes?" I asked, wondering what in the world was wrong with this man. As he struggled to speak, I helped him up, asking him the question once again. "Heechul, what were you doing in the bushes? Seriously, there are plenty of bushes at your house you could have been in." I said while pointing towards his house next door.

"I saw your mom leave and I was just making sure that you were okay. There are a lot of weirdos around here." He said while still picking the leaves out of his hair. "Yeah, well it seems as if you are one of them. Go home!" I yelled, pointing towards his house again. He started to say something again but instead sulked and walked home. As I walked into my house, I checked my phone again and realized that it was now 7:30. I didn't want to be late for school, so I grabbed my school stuff and texted Samantha.

Me: You better hurry. I wouldn't want to be late for class on our first day. Especially in a new country.

Samantha: Don't worry. I'll be right out. Just let me grab my bag.

Me: I'll be waiting outside. Peace.

After waiting outside for a few minutes I waved at Samantha as soon as I saw her walking towards my house. I walked up to her as she waved back, ready to start on our walk to school. "I'm so nervous. Are you nervous? Do you think we'll stand out?" I said while smiling, trying to look happy. She laughed and continued walking as I followed close behind her. "First, I am a little nervous. Who wouldn't be? We are in a new country and know no one. Second, we are from America. We are going to a Korean high school. Of course we will stand out." Samantha said, while we continued walking. I giggled and fist bumped her shoulder "Thanks for making me feel better." I said. She shrugged and looked forward. "I'm your best friend. No matter what happens, we stick together. We have each other's back's". I smiled at the thought of that and continued to walk forward until I saw the school in the distance. Samantha immediately grabbed my hand and we ran the rest of the way there.

As soon as we got to the school, there were a lot of people, more than I was use to. There were students everywhere I looked. I could tell that Samantha was also nervous but we had to get through this. There were no other options. We walked through the entrance and up the steps to the main doors and of course, people were staring. They were whispering to each other in Korean, which I had yet to understand. I had no idea what they were saying, though it was probably something about us. I was looking around when I heard a loud thud. I looked over and noticed that Samantha had fallen up the steps. I panicked and yelled at her. "Samantha! Are you okay?!".

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said, looking down at her hand which was now scratched. I helped her up, noticing all of the people pointing and laughing at her. "Come on." I said, noticing that she was looking at the students. "We can go inside now." As we continued to walk up to the school, I noticed that Samantha was hiding behind me, too embarrassed to show her face. When we made it to the doors, I walked in first as Samantha was still following close behind me. I have a feeling that this place is going to be absolutely horrible.

Hey everyone, hope that you are enjoying the story so far! Please vote, comment, and feel free to share this story with your friends. It means a lot to me that you are reading this. Thanks so much! ~Courtney

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