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Sam's P.O.V
"Are we almost done?" I complained after we roamed around town for about an hour. Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful. I've never seen buildings so high and parks so gorgeous. I complained because it was around 8 at night and my feet were starting to hurt from all of the traveling. I was walking next to Courtney, holding onto her sleeve so I wouldn't get separated. I've never been in a town this huge and, knowing myself, I was terrified that I would get lost. Taeyong was in front of us and WinWin was on the other side of Courtney, while the rest of the group stayed towards the back. We could hear them laughing and cheering. "Well, since I already showed you the major attractions in Seoul, I guess that only leaves one place left." Taeyong said. He looked over at me and smirked.

I blushed and tried to look away. Emphasis on tried. His eyes were just way too mesmerizing. The deep brown orbs shined in the moonlight, making him look like an absolute dream. Since his lips were formed into a smirk, it made them look more appealing then what he had intended. His skin looked so smooth and I wondered if it felt as soft. Before I knew it, my hand was reaching up to cup his cheek. I couldn't control my body at all. It was like it had a mind of its own. What the hell is going on? When I was about to touch his face, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

After coming back from that weird spell, I looked behind me to thank whoever pulled me away. I noticed that Courtney was laughing at me while trying to cover her face. "Um, thank you. I honestly didn't know what I was doing." I said while blushing majorly hard. She stuttered from giggling when she said, "No problem. J-just don't make a h-habit out of it." I nodded and faced Taeyong again. He was looking the other way, but I could clearly tell that he was trying to cover up a smile. I huffed and started to say, "Look, I'm sorry for what I was about to do. I-" But before I could finish, he lifted his hand and placed it on my head.

He ruffled my hair and laughed when I tried to push his hand off. "No need for apologies." He said as he took his hand away. "I get that reaction a lot." I rolled my eyes and walked back over to Courtney while mumbling, "Let's just get this tour over with." WinWin was shaking his head from the humor of it all, and the boys in the back were too involved in each other to see what went down. A vibration could be heard, and we all saw Courtney pull out her phone. "I got a text from my mom. She wants us back at Samantha's house before 11." She said. Taeyong and WinWin looked at each other while the rest of the guys groaned in disappointment.

"I don't want to go back to that lame ass dinner party." Taeil complained. "Yeah. Same here." Mark added while wrapping his arm around Taeil's shoulders. "Well I don't make the rules. Sorry guys." Courtney replied. Jaehyun walked over and said, "It's your mom. Can't you tell her no?" Her faced turned into pure shock. "I can't tell her no! I've done that once and that was the biggest mistake of my life." She threw her arms in the air, showing how much she regretted it. We all laughed at her comment and continued to talk afterwords. These guys aren't as bad as I thought they were.

I looked around and saw that Taeyong and WinWin weren't with us. Instead, they were a couple of feet away talking among themselves. I didn't want them to be left out, so I made my way over to them. When I got about a few inches away, I could hear some parts of their lingering conversation. "Do we have time for that?" WinWin asked. "Maybe. We just have to make sure that they don't run off." Taeyong answered. Their faces were set into a serious expression. What in the world are they talking about?

As I stopped behind them, I poked Taeyong's shoulder and held my breath. For some reason, this boy makes me really nervous. I get nervous around everyone though, so it could be nothing. He stopped their conversation and turned around as I let out my breath. "Me, Courtney, and your friends are all having a pow-wow." I pointed to the group and continued. "I was just wondering if you both wanted to join. I'll feel bad if you two are left out."

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now