Fourty One

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Sam's P.O.V
We broke through the forest and saw that the driveway at Courtney's house was empty. Good. "You all go ahead and go inside. We need to go find D.O before he does anything stupid." Chanyeol panted. "Just take care of her." He pointed at Courtney and then motioned for the rest of the EXO group to follow him. As they started to run off into the distance, Baekhyun quickly kissed my hand and ran off with them.

I turned my attention to Courtney and felt the sudden urge to cry when I saw how sorrowful WinWin was staring at her. "No time to waste." Taeyong spoke up. He walked over towards WinWin and gently moved him in the direction of the house. Everyone followed close behind and I ran ahead so that I could open the door for them. After they all entered, I quickly locked the door and spun around to come face to face with two people that I totally forgot about.

"What the hell is going on here?" Johnny asked while Ten was sitting right next to him on the couch. They both looked over to WinWin and saw that Courtney was writhing in pain in his arms. Johnny instantly stood up and stormed his way over to WinWin. "What did you do to her?!" He demanded. He was about to reach out and grab her when Taeil stopped him.

"Listen buddy. He didn't do anything to her." Taeil clarified. "He's actually helping her. So try to calm down." Johnny was breathing heavily and was trying to decide what to do when Ten came up behind him and grabbed his shoulder. "I would listen to them man. This is some serious shit." WinWin looked at Johnny and gave him a pleading look. "Please, let me help her in anyway that I can."

Without a second thought, Johnny sighed and motioned upstairs. "You already know where her room is at." WinWin nodded his head and ran up the stairs as fast as he could without harming Courtney. "I'm gonna go with him in case he needs some help." Taeil said as he followed behind him. I finally took a deep breath in what felt like forever. Ten and Johnny sat back on the couch and looked over to me, waiting for an explanation.

So I cleared my throat and decided to just lay it out thick. "So Courtney was kidnapped by these three guys who are actually werewolves that work for these older guys and we've been looking for her for a while and we finally found her but when we did they said they were gonna kill WinWin if he didn't bite her and she said to go ahead and bite her so he did and then we all started to fight but the three guys ran away and so we had to run back here and make sure that she's gonna be alright."

Johnny took a moment to process it all while Ten comforted him. " cousin is a werewolf now?" He frowned, looking down at his shoes. I nodded, making him drop down to the floor in shock. "Is she going to be okay?" Ten said, looking up at us as he leaned down to help Johnny up. He lead him to the couch as me and the other boys followed behind him, taking a seat across from him in some chairs and some on the floor. We faced him and awaited his next words while he kept taking deep breaths, trying to let all of this process in his mind.

"So who were these men..the one's who did this to her?" He asked, his eyes slightly shifting upward, looking into mine as a tear slipped from his eye. "It was Kris, Tao and Luhan...those three guys who hurt you before. They were behind all of this." I explained. Johnny's eyes dropped as his mouth hung open, realizing that they truly were going to be a danger, and who knew, they could even come back to hurt more people. "Actually, they are lead by who we call the elders, there are multiple of them and they are ruthless. Those three follow their orders like little puppets, doing everything the ask." Taeyong spoke up.

I looked over at him and frowned, not only would we have to somehow deal with those three but we would have to deal with all of the elders as well. But how would we do this? Would the exo boys and the nct boys and Courtney be enough werewolves to fight them off? Would Johnny, Ten and I even stand a chance in a fight with a bunch of werewolves? I don't even think my heart would let me send my best friend into that fight with all of them anyways.

But I knew eventually something would have to be done, they would be back, who knows how soon. "We have to figure out what we're going to do. I won't let them hurt her anymore than they already have. I'm suppose to be her protector, her mom clearly doesn't give a fuck so I have to be here for her and what's the first thing I do? I fail and she get's turned into a stupid werewolf. A werewolf of all things." He sighed and put his hand to his head. Yuta growled at his words, making him realize he had said that part out loud.

"Sorry" he sighed and put his hand back on his head. "We'll help you protect her." I heard Taeyong suddenly say, surprising me. These guys were known for being bullies and had been nothing but bullies to me and my best friend. Now they suddenly wanted to help out? "How come you're being so nice all the sudden? I thought you hated us both." I said. Silence filled the room as they seemingly thought of how to answer my question, the boys all turning to look at their leader Taeyong.

"WinWin turned Courtney and he's one of us, she's his mate now so it's our responsibility to help protect her at least." Taeyong explained. "She's what now??" Ten said, shocked. "She's drawn to WinWin, she is meant to be with him now. She was D.O's mate first but since WinWin bit her, she's his now, she doesn't realize it yet but she is." Taeyong told him. "But what if she doesn't want to be with him?" Ten asked.

"She does actually...they have kissed before more than once and we all know that they like each other, but he's good to her so please don't worry." I said, not really knowing what to say to him. "He's actually the nicest one of us and he seems to really like her." Jaehyun added, helping the situation out a bit more. Johnny eventually sighed in relief before speaking again. "Should I go check on her, I should right?" Johnny said standing up in panic and making his way out of the living room.

I stood up quickly and stood in front of him, keeping him from walking any further. "She'll be okay, she's probably resting now. He'll protect her, Baekhyun does that with me because he's my mate." I said. He took a moment and decided to sit back down, needing a bit to process it so everyone left the room. As I walked into the kitchen, my phone started ringing, I picked it up and realized it waz the very boy I had been thinking of, Baekhyun.

"Hey babe." I said as soon as I picked up. "Hey, so we can't find Kyungsoo, he's ran off somewhere far and we haven't been able to track him down yet so we're all searching everywhere. Is everything okay there? How is she?" He said. I smiled at the sweetness in his voice. "I'm sure he's okay and yeah, she's fine, WinWin took her up to her room and she's resting now, I think she'll be alright." I said, sighing into the phone as I rested my arm on the kitchen counter.

"That WinWin kid, he seems like a good guy, better than the rest of them so I'm sure he'll make sure she's okay, especially him being her mate and all, so try not to worry too much baby." He reassured me. "Okay, I'll try not to but I really hate this for her ya know, she's been through a lot." I frowned inwardly. "I know, I know, but she's in good hands. We'll get Kyungsoo back too and maybe we can convince him to go see her, I'm sure she would like that, they were always kind of close." He said.

I wasn't really sure of how good of an idea that really was but decided we would figure it out when the moment came, but certainly not right now, she wouldn't need any visitors now of all times. "Alright baby, I have to go now, I love you." He said. I snapped out of it and answered back. "Oh, I love you too, be safe." I said. With that, he hung up and I looked at my phone, my thoughts drifting off. One thing suddenly crossed my mind that made me panic, what were we suppose to tell her mom?

Hey guys, this is Courtney so I'll be writing every chapter from both characters pov's to get this book to it's end. I hope to make it the best quality for you and hope you enjoy it, so sorry for the wait but I will be taking over so don't worry. Thanks so much for reading!


Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now