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Courtney's POV:

Next thing I knew, the four of us were running through the woods with Heechul trailing a bit behind us. As we kept looking around, seeing nothing but trees, we felt as if we should give up and search somewhere else. That was when I dug my hands into my pockets in frustration. I furrowed my eyebrows as I felt something in my pocket, making the boys confused.

I pulled the item out of my pocket, only to realize it was a bracelet that looked a lot like the one D.O had on the last time I saw him. "What is that?" Heechul said, popping up out of nowhere. "Ah! Don't jump out like that...and this bracelet is D.O's but I don't know how it got in my pocket." I said.

WinWin looked confused and took it, looking at it carefully. "Maybe he left it as a way to find him?" Kun said. "That's possible but why, I thought he didn't want to be found." I chimed in. Suddenly the four of us stopped in our tracks as we heard a howl from deep in the woods. I caught a scent off of the bracelet along with hearing the howl and I felt a sensation I hadn't felt before.

I felt as if something was leading me somewhere. Could it be D.O? What if it was someone else? Regardless I began following the trail I was picking up on as the boys tried to catch up with me. "What is it?" Kun asked as they struggled to keep up with me. I didn't say anything at all so Sicheng ran in front of me and stopped me completely.

"If we're going to work together, you have to tell us what it is you are walking so fast for." Sicheng said. I suddenly snapped out of it and decided to tell him. "I caught a scent off of the bracelet, I think it might be him." I said. "Okay, I believe you but you need to start telling us anything that could help, we want to find him too." Sicheng said.

I nodded in agreement and told them about the scent I was catching and motioned for them to follow me. Soon we all stopped again as a howl echoed throughout the woods. I took off sprinting as the boys followed as best as they could. "I can't keep up with you guys." Kun said as he motioned that he would catch up later.

Heechul seemed to be doing fine but he decided to stay with Kun as it wouldn't be a good idea to split up in a time like this. Sicheng and I both kept running for a while and got closer to where we heard the howl coming from. This was the first time I was using my sort of echo location as I still wasn't used to being a werewolf. I was really glad Sicheng was with me as he knew better than I did how to use his senses.

I stopped in my tracks as someone ran right into Sicheng, knocking him down in the process. "Suho?? What the hell?" I said as I saw it was him and thankfully not one of the elders or those assholes from before. I helped Sicheng up as he winced in pain. "How did you find us?" Sicheng said as I tried to console him.

"We've all been looking for you out here." Suho said. "We? How many of you?" I said. "Pretty much all of our pack and your's as well." He said as he gestured to both of us. I was technically a part of Sicheng's pack now rather than the other group. "You guys are working together??" I said, shocked.

"Wait, I thought there was another one of you guys?" Suho said, confused. "Yeah, Kun and we also have my neighbor Heechul with us, why?" I said. "Heechul? Does he know about us?" He asked. "Yes, he knows pretty much everything about everything." I said as Sicheng nodding, knowing a bit about how he is.

"Where are they then?" Suho asked. "Kun couldn't keep up so Heechul stayed back with him." Sicheng answered. He nodded and suddenly we all heard the howl again, coming from the same direction but very close this time. We all ran and eventually came to a clearing and I gasped as the two boys caught up to me, not seeing what I was seeing just yet.

"Ah, nice to see you again my students." A voice echoed througout the clearing as I saw our principal walk out with D.O, holding his claws to his throat. "Is that our principal?" Sicheng said in confusion. "Yes, and he has D.O." Suho answered in anger.

"Don't hurt him!" I pleaded. Principal David fell silent and kept his claws on D.O's throat. We watched as they tried to figure out what to do and it seemed as if D.O was trying to say something but couldn't. Then all the sudden everything went black.


I woke up as a bag was taken off of my head and I looked around to see Sicheng and Suho next to me. Sicheng came to consciousness and tried to make his way over to me but was stopped as three men walked out in front of us, three very familiar men. It was Luhan, Tao and Kris who appeared before our eyes. "Don't you touch her I swear." Sicheng said as he struggled while Kris walked up to me.

"Call for your packs, all of you." He said as he looked me in the eyes. "If you don't, I will kill her and make you both watch." Kris continued, making Sicheng very angry. I sighed and tried to focus and three loud howls echoed loudly throughout the woods and the clearing.

I looked to Sicheng as everything fell silent and his eyes changed back to their normal color as I suppose mine was doing the same. We sat in silence as we wondered why they wanted everyone here, and where was Principal David and D.O? I held Sicheng's hand behind my back as he scooted closer to me as we awaited to see what was about to go down.

That's when we heard another howl come from the distance.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Sorry it has been so long, I will try to finish up this book soon, not much left. What did you think about everything that is going down?? ~Courtney

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