Fourty Three

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Samantha's POV:

"I can't believe my cousin is a werewolf." Johnny said as Ten tried to calm him down. "You heard what happened, she really likes WinWin, she did it to save him, he'll take care of her." Ten said to him. As we heard a knock at the door, Taeil came down the stairs, trying to see who it was. "Oh shit." He said suddenly. He opened the door slowly and footsteps echoed into the room. The moment the person came into view, I felt uneasy. "Kyungsoo, what are you doing here? Everyone was looking for you." Taeyong said as he stood in the room.

"I ran off cause I was so upset but then I realized I should be here for her, even if she doesn't want to see me and she is someone else's mate now." He said, frowning. "Yah! You should have done a better job protecting her if she was your mate." Johnny said angrily. "Johnny, calm down." I said but he didn't listen. "Because of you, all of this happened. My cousin is a fucking werewolf now." He said, holding his head as he felt the stress becoming too much.

Ten and I sat him down as Kyungsoo tried to figure out what to say to him. "Okay, I blame myself to ya know, but there is nothing we can do now but have her mate teach her the ways of being a werewolf." He said. I frowned as I realized how different things would be, my best friend wasn't even a human anymore and she would have to follow her instincts, she could never be the same. I decided to text Baekhyun and let him know that Kyungsoo was here so they wouldn't be searching for no reason.

'Hey babe, Kyungsoo randomly showed up at Courtney's house so you don't need to worry about finding him.' I said. I waited a few minutes as everyone stayed silent, awkwardness filling the room when my phone finally went off. 'Oh thank god, I will be over soon, I'll tell the guys.' He texted back. I smiled and put my phone away. Suddenly footsteps came from up the stairs and I looked up to see Courtney and WinWin appearing in the doorway. The moment she saw Kyungsoo, her eyes widened.

"Courtney.." Kyungsoo spoke lightly as WinWin became defensive, trying to stand a bit in front of her. "What do you want?" WinWin said angrily. "I just wanted to see if she was okay-" he tried to say but he was cut off. "You didn't seem to care much when you took off earlier." WinWin said, getting in his face. Courtney pulled him back to her, still not saying anything to Kyungsoo so I decided to walk over to them. "Calm down you guys, Courtney you should be resting. Will you guys give it up? at least for now." I said, rolling my eyes at their childish behavior.

"Not until he leaves." WinWin said. "I'm not going anywhere." Kyungsoo said. "WinWin take Courtney up to her room." I said as I felt Taeyong's presence now behind me. "Get her out of here. We'll deal with this." Taeyong said to him. WinWin sighed but listened, taking Courtney's hand as they made their way back up to her room while Kyungsoo's eyes remained on her the whole way up as she made one last glance at him. "Why did you do that?" Kyungsoo said, turning to us. "She needs rest Kyungsoo, can't you see that." I said sadly.

"This is a lot for her to take in." Taeyong joined in as I felt his hand on my shoulder. "What the fuck is going on here?" I heard suddenly. The three of us looked over at the doorway with wide eyes to see Baekhyun and the otherd looking at us. I glanced and noticed Taeyong's hand on my shoulder and quickly pushed it off. "We're just talking.." I said but Baekhyun seemed annoyed as they all walked in, some of them going to the living room as a few, including him stood near us.

Baekhyun gave Taeyong an evil look as if to warn him that he needed to back off. Taeyong stood there anyways for a moment, wanting to get a rise out of him before finally backing off as Baekhyun got closer. "We don't need any of this drama okay?" Johnny said from the living room. I nodded to myself and went to go back to the living room to join the others but Baekhyun held onto my arm lightly. I looked at him and he pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm glad you're okay." He said. "But..Courtney isn't so okay.." I said, feeling tears well up in my eyes as I secretly wished it was me who had been bitten.

"Has she turned? Is anyone with her right now?" He asked as he looked at me, wiping the tears from my eyes. "Yes, WinWin is up in her room with her right now. She has almost turned completely I think..I just can't believe all of this." I said sadly. "She will be alright, especially with all of us here to support her. Forget the differences in our groups. If she is a part of their pack now, we will consider her one of ours too since she is your best friend. I won't let anything happen to you or anyone you care about okay? You trust me?" He said, making me look into his eyes.

"I trust you Baekhyun." I said before he pulled me into his arms once again. I felt the sadness go away as he pulled away and planted a kiss on my lips before taking me to the living room to join the others. "Alright, so what are we going to do? The elders are probably going to come for us eventually and so will Kris, Tao and Luhan, they don't give up so easily." Chanyeol said. I felt the worry build up in my stomach again as I realized he was probably right. "We need a way to get rid of them once and for all." Jaehyun chimed in.

"I don't want anyone else getting hurt so I'm in." I said, making Baekhyun frown. "I don't want the risk of you getting hurt. I know you want to help but maybe you should just leave it to us." he said. "If I have to go off on my own, I will. I am not just going to stand around and do nothing." I said angrily. Baekhyun eventually gave up but made me promise to stay by his side at all times and I agreed. "We need some sort of plan. We all need to work together." Mark said. We all agreed and tried to figure out what we were going to do.

"The more we have in numbers, the better chance we have. There are several members of the elders so we need a fighting chance. I say we all put our differences aside for once and join together to take them down once and for all." Baekhyun said. I looked at him as he made his little speech, making me proud. "I'm in." I said. I waited for the other group to join as all of the exo boys joined in. Suddenly Taeyong stood up and looked at his group. "I'm in too. We need to get rid of these elders and all just live in peace. I'm tired of the fighting." He said, making me smile.

The rest of his group joined in too and we all banded together. "Alright so what's the plan?" Ten said. "Oh, you're not joining us. You and Johnny won't be safe in this battle." Taeil said. "I can't just do nothing. They did this to my cousin." Johnny said, frowning. "And my Courtney!" Ten chimed in. "Okay okay you can help but you're only helping in the planning, I won't have you dying out there." Baekhyun said.

I admired him as he took charge and we all brainstormed plans, we were going to do this one way or the other, hopefully with no casualties.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for long times between updates. It is just me updating these now and I also have other books on my -Winney- account.


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