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Courtney's P.O.V

"Yes, I swear. I even have D.O's number!" I yelled, trying to explain to the boys about our association with EXO. The boys started trying to argue with me again, but I lost focus of our conversation. I watched as WinWin walked out of the room, a sad expression on his face as he put his head down. 'What is his problem?' I thought to myself. Just then, I remembered what Yuta had said earlier. He had said something about WinWin having a crush on me.

Maybe that is why he left the room. Could he have been jealous? Jealous of D.O? There was nothing going on between D.O and I. At least I didn't think that we had some sort of connection. I wanted to get up and see where he had ran off too but I was stopped when someone grabbed my arm. I looked over to see Mark looking very confused. "What is wrong?" he said as he looked around.

I turned to answer him but saw Yuta glancing at me again from the corner of my eye. "Nothing" I said as I shook my head and awkwardly turned back around. "So what time should we be at this river party?" Taeil asked. "Wait, what?!" I yelled, wondering what he was talking about. "Yeah, we are going" he continued as he got up. "But I didn't even tell you when or where it is at!" I said. "I have my ways" was all he said as he snapped and walked dramatically out of the room.

As he walked out of the room, I noticed that Haechan was walking in. I hadn't even noticed that he wasn't in the room. Speaking of people that were not in the room, I wondered what Taeyong was up too. When I thought of Taeyong, I was suddenly reminded of a certain little someone who rather enjoyed following Taeyong around. Speaking of Samantha, I had never even realized that she had left the room until now. Before I could get up to go find either of them, they both walked into the room. But they were not alone this time, Taeyong was holding a wolf. "Why do you have a wolf?!" I questioned, shocked to see him holding it as if it was harmless.

I heard a gasp come from pretty much everyone around me as they turned to look at Taeyong who was holding the wolf. "Isn't he cute?!" Samantha yelled as she jumped up and down from excitement and started to pet the wolf. Apparently Samantha's screams of excitement had been so loud that WinWin and Taeil had walked back into the room. I instantly looked over at WinWin and motioned for him to sit next to me. Immediately after that, I felt someone shove me aside as they sat down next to me. I looked over to see Yuta who was now glaring at WinWin. I quickly looked over at Yuta, wondering what he was going on about.

But all he did was just look at me for a second before turning back to the others. It wasn't long after the situation with Yuta that Taeyong began to speak again. "Alright! So, what do you guys think?" he said as he raised an eyebrow at the boys. I wondered why he was acting strange and what kind of inside joke this was all suppose to be but I had no clue where to even start. "Are you crazy?" Haechan said. I heard many other comments similar to what Haechan had said before but one comment was different than the others. "I don't think they could handle it Taeyong" I heard Taeil say as he leaned up against the wall where he and WinWin stood away from the group.

The room grew quiet as everyone including Taeyong turned to look in his direction. "What do you mean?" Jisung said before he was shushed by Jaemin and Renjun. "All of you know exactly what I mean" he said as he pointed to them. "You are right. Maybe they can't handle something like this" Taeyong said as he started to turn away with the wolf. "Better get out of here with that thing before something happens again" Taeil commented. Taeyong glared at Taeil angrily before speaking up. "Hey! I don't want to hear this anymore." He said as he turned to leave again, the baby wolf still in his arms.

Suddenly, a loud growling noise came from the wolf, causing Taeyong to quickly drop him. Samantha let out a loud scream before being pulled back by Taeyong as she tried to reach for the wolf to help it. Everyone jumped back, preparing for whatever was happening. I had no idea what to do in that moment, I froze and stared ahead at the creature, who was now shaking violently on the floor. I wasn't frozen for long before WinWin put his jealously or anger or whatever was wrong with him aside as he jumped to my side and pulled me out of the way. He pulled me as far away as he could but we could still see what was happening. He held me tightly around the waist as if he was afraid of me getting attacked by this creature. I had no intentions of going near this creature to be completely honest.

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now