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Courtney's P.O.V

Samantha walked ahead of me and into the house following the little boy with blonde hair. She smiled from ear to ear, happy with the fact that there was a child involved because she absolutely adored kids. Though this one seemed to be a bit of a brat if you asked me. I walked through the doorway and into this random house as the boys followed. I looked around and noticed that Samantha was still following the little boy into what I guessed was the living room. "Samantha! Leave that child alone!" I yelled as I ran to catch up to her as she walked into the other room. I pushed past Taeil who was blocking my way on purpose and ran into the room.

I started to yell again but stopped when I noticed five little kids staring at me, one being the blonde boy Samantha had followed. Samantha's smile was now wider than ever as she looked at the kids. I ran to her and held her back before she could hug any of them. "Girl, let me go" she said as she struggled to get out of my grasp. She failed and gave up quickly, seeing as I was the stronger one in the situation. "So why are we here?" I asked as I looked over to see the boys off in their own conversations. "That ones dad said that we had to bring you two here" Yuta said as he pointed towards Samantha with a scowl on his face.

Samantha lunged at him but I caught her arm before she could start a fight with him. Winwin walked over and helped me hold her back as Taeyong started to talk. "You two will have to babysit these kids for us" he said as he gestured towards the five kids that were in front of us. Samantha calmed down but still seemed upset. "And why should we help you?" Samantha said annoyed. "I literally just said that your dad told us you had to do it stupid" Yuta said rudely. Winwin and I glanced at each other before turning to Samantha, ready to hold her back once again.

Yuta stood his ground and waited for her to lunge again but I managed to get her to calm down quickly as Taeyong walked over towards the kids. "Kids, please introduce yourselves" Taeyong said as he gestured towards them. "I'm Chenle" a blonde boy who didn't look much older than the child we had followed before said. "Jeno" another boy who looked a bit older said. "I'm Na Jaemin" another one with light brown hair said. "My name is Renjun" a boy with dark brown, almost black hair said. "Jisung" the last one said, it was the little boy that we had met at the door. Samantha smiled at all of them as she was still trying to hold herself back from punching Yuta.

That girl could hold a grudge, Yuta would figure that out soon enough. "So what are we suppose to do exactly?" Samantha questioned. "Just watch after them for a while, surely you have had experience with kids before" Jaehyun answered. Samantha smiled nervously and turned away, knowing that she had had absolutely no experience with kids. "I have had experience with kids" I said as I raised my hand. "You have?" Mark questioned, seeming surprised. "Yeah, my cousins best friend is practically a kid so I understand how this works" I said.

Samantha giggled, knowing exactly who I was talking about, Ten Chittaphon. A few of the boys including Taeyong started to leave the room. Everyone except the kids, Yuta, Winwin, Samantha and I. That was, before she walked after Taeyong, asking all kinds of questions. I laughed as she tried to figure out what in the world she was going to do. I didn't see how it could be that hard to take care of a few kids, but she was in complete panic. Samantha left the room with Taeyong as he attempted to answer her game of twenty questions. "Will you be okay with the kids?" I heard Winwin whisper in my ear as if he had to be quiet.

I turned to him and whispered back quickly "Yeah, I will be fine" before I turned back, acting as if we hadn't talked. I was worried that Winwin would get into trouble with the other guys if he talked to me too much so I tried to be quiet. Which was a shame because I had actually enjoyed talking to him. I decided to sit down and wait for Samantha to get back from annoying Taeyong so I walked over towards one of the empty seats on the side of the room. After WinWin left the room with a sad look on his face, glancing at me as he went to find the others, I noticed that someone had sat down beside me. I looked over to see none other than my best friends arch enemy, Yuta. He glanced at me, but in a different way than he had looked at Samantha many times before. This look, seemed out of curiosity.

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now