Fourty Six

16 0 0

Courtney's POV:

Those words broke my heart. Even though Kyungsoo wasn't my mate anymore, I sure as hell didn't want him to die, especially not because of me. I ignored my boyfriend's calls behind me as I ran as fast as I could but you know, not too fast like I had the ability to or people would freak out. "Baby! Stop!" WinWin yelled through the halls which were now almost abandoned as the bell rang for first period. I decided not to even go to class cause I was that upset. What I wanted to do in that moment was to find Kyungsoo.

He hadn't showed up for school since the whole ordeal with me turning into a werewolf and becoming WinWin's mate. I felt tears fall from my eyes as I ran out of the school and into the courtyard. As I made it near the gate, I was suddenly knocked down. I looked up to see WinWin pinning me down to the grass. "Babe, I'm sorry I had to do that but please let me explain." He said. I looked over and noticed people now looking out the window at us in confusion. "Come on." WinWin said as he stood up and helped me up. "Stop!" We both heard a loud voice say.

Our eyes widened as we saw our principal charging at us. We both took off running until we got to the woods. I really didn't want to be near WinWin at the moment but I didn't seem to have much of a choice. "I'm so so sorry for all of this okay. I just didn't know how to tell you." He said as he tried to walk closer to me but I backed off. "I just wish you would tell me stuff. Especially important stuff like this. I thought we were together ya know, like tell each other everything kinda thing." I said, not wanting to look at him still. "I want to be your boyfriend, hell even your husband someday but I fucked up..again..I know. I'm stupid but please don't leave me okay? I can't go on without you. Let me fix my mistakes." He said, tears falling.

I looked at him a little but still stood my ground. "Sicheng.." I said. "Yes?" He said, standing closer now. "You want to marry me someday?" I said, his words from before on my mind. I looked at him sadly wondering why this amazing man picked me of all people. "Yes, I want to marry you and make love to you and have a beautiful life and beautiful children with you." He said, making me blush so hard. "You mean it?" I said shyly. "Yes, I mean it with all my heart." He said. "And how do I know you're not just lying again?" I said.

"The lying stops here. I will be your faithful, honest boyfriend if you'll have me." He said as he grabbed my hand. Memories of when we first met and our first kiss and everything we had been through flooded my mind. "I am going to need some time." I said, the words hurting me to say. "Okay...I understand..." he said in a very sad tone. "I'll respect your decision..I'd die for you to be happy." He said. "God Sicheng, don't say that." I said as I looked at him. "Why?" He said. "Because I don't want you to die..and certainly not for me." I said.

"Okay fine I won't.." he said. "Sicheng look, I really don't want to break up with you okay. I want to be your girlfriend but I'm upset right now okay. Don't think that I don't love you anymore cause I always will." I said as I held his hand. "So we're not broken up?" He said with hope in his eyes. "No, we're not but if you want my forgiveness, you have to help me with something." I said. "Anything for you." He said. "Help me find Kyungsoo." I said, making him let go of my hand. "What?" He said. "Sicheng it's not like what you're thinking. I just want to be able to stop this whole dying thing or at least say my goodbyes." I said.

"Okay..then I'll help you." He said. I smiled at him and hugged him as a thank you. I began to walk away to go figure out what to do and where to go but Sicheng's voice stopped me. "So does that mean that I can still sleep over tonight?" He said. I smiled at him and turned to look at his cute face. "We'll see." I teased. I turned around and went walking, saying I would text him if I figured out anything. "Wait!" He said, making me stop. "Yes?" I questioned. "Can I come with you?..uh..I mean like to protect you..I know you are strong and don't really need me anymore but I'd still feel better knowing I was there to watch over you." He said.

"I'll always need you to protect me." I said as I looked at him. "Really?" He said, smiling. "Of course." I smiled back at him. "So..." he said awkwardly. "Come on." I said, laughing slightly at him. I was upset with him but why did he have to he so cute. We made our way to my house when WinWin suddenly asked. "Wait..what about Johnny and Ten? Won't they like beat my ass or something if they see me with you alone." He said. "No don't worry, they are out trying to find jobs today. Trying to live a normal life unlike the rest of us..good for them." I said.

"And your mom?" He said. "She's never know this." I said as I unlocked the door. "Sorry.." he said. "It's okay." I reassured him. I noticed as he kept looking at my hand awkwardly, wanting to hold hands like normal. I just wasn't in the mood and he knew that and respected it. As soon as I opened my bedroom door, I gasped as I saw...Heechul.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. ~Courtney

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