Twenty Three

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Sam's P.O.V (One week later)
I turned my flashlight on and shined it in Courtney's face. "Ahh! What the fuh bish?" She covered her eyes and slapped my hand away. I laughed so hard that I started to wheez. "Just checking to see if it works." She took the flashlight and shoved it into her pocket. "It's not a smart idea to turn on a bright object while sneaking out of our homes." She scolded. I quickly checked to see if any lights came on. Luck must have been on our side. "Why are we sneaking out again?" I asked. "Because my mom would never allow me to go to a party. Now come on. It's already 10 at night. We're gonna be late." Courtney said. We turned to the forest and made our journey to the party.

As we walked through the forest, it reminded me of the times that we encountered with the wolves. Now that I think about it, we apparently lived in a world where werewolves exist. Could that mean that those wolves could have been werewolves? I shivered just by thinking of it. If it's true, then is it possible that Courtney and I knew them? Speaking about Courtney, I looked at her and saw that she was staring at the map D.O made her about a week ago in one hand and using the flashlight in the other. She followed the directions precisely, making sure we didn't get lost. I stared down at the bags I was carrying.

They both contained extra clothes, towels, and some snacks. I didn't mind carrying them since Courtney was already busy. "You never told me." She suddenly spoke. "Tell you what?" I replied. Without looking up from the map she said, "Where you went after school a week ago." I was shocked by her suddenness and almost tripped over a branch. "Oh. My mom just texted me saying it was an emergency." I saw her nod her head. What I said was the farthest from the truth. I actually met up with Brooklyn that day. She asked if I could take her to Jisung and got upset when I said no. She then threatened to tell everyone my secret. If I ever told this to Courtney, she would flip.

"Well, I hope everything is okay." I looked at her and saw that she was smiling. I smiled back and she continued to follow the map. We got deeper and deeper into the forest and I noticed that the trees got thicker. We've never gotten this far before. "What's the map saying?" I questioned. She stopped walking and pointed in front of her. "It says that the location should just be through these trees." We hurried our pace when we heard the sound of water. After a few more steps, we walked into a clearing and saw that everyone was already there. The river was also to the right of us.

Everyone was sitting at a huge table in the middle of the clearing. Coolers were placed on the side along with some speakers. "You guys made it!" Suho yelled. He ran to us and picked us both up in a group hug. Wow, this boy was strong. He placed us back down and took our bags. "I'll put these up for you. Go say hello to the others." He waved bye and we made our way towards the others. Suho's friends were at one side of the table, Amber and her friends were in the middle, and Taeyong and his friends were at the other end. Speaking about Taeyong and his friends, I saw that they all had new hairstyles.

Taeyong's hair was now short and brown. It had dreads and little silver beads in it. Looking over to WinWin, he also had short hair. His hair was black though. Yuta was next. I hated to admit this, but he looked good. He straightened out his hair and it was now purple. Taeil also straightened out his hair but his was a reddish color. Speaking about red, that was also the color of Haechan's hair. His hair split into two directions. Mark sat next to him. His hair was a mix of pink and blonde and was very curly. Jaehyun's hair was also blonde. But unlike Mark's, his hair was straightened.

"You done checking us out?" Taeyong smirked. I madly blushed and looked away from him. "In your dreams." I retorted. He scoffed and rested his feet on the table. Courtney walked over to his end of the table and sat down next to WinWin. I saw D.O frown at her actions. While I was staring at him, my eyes focused in front of him and saw Baekhyun- who was waving energetically at me. I waved back and sat down with him. "I was starting to think you weren't coming." He admitted. I chuckled and patted his cheek. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." I dropped my hand and faced his friends. I smiled to them and asked, "So what's up?"

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now