Fourty Four

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Courtney's POV:

WinWin made me lay down as soon as we got back upstairs so I sat up and pouted. "I don't want to sleep." I frowned as he stood up, pacing around the room angrily. "I can't believe he came back and just expected you to be his after what he did." He said, an angry look on his face as he continued to pace back and forth. I decided to try something, anything to distract him. "WinWin.." I said but he didn't listen, wanting to go back downstairs and go find Kyungsoo and go off on him. "WinWin..." I whined making him look at me as I laid down and bit my lip, looking back at him.

"You look hot when you're angry." I said. He blushed and stopped pacing but couldn't hold eye contact with me. My plan to distract him worked. "Now isn't the time Courtney-" he started to say before I pouted at him. "Please come cuddle me at least?" I said. I was in a lovey dovey mood for some reason. He nodded and crawled into the bed beside me, pulling the cover over us. I reached up and touched his face gently. "I wonder if they're talking about us down there." I said. "I wouldn't doubt it." He said, laughing slightly.

"You seem stressed WinWin. When was the last time you actually got plenty of rest?" I asked. "I can't even remember anymore. I'm just happy being here with you right now, I don't mind." He said. I kissed him quickly before speaking. "That time I spent locked away really made me think about things. You really care about me, more than most people do. You have always been kind to me when your whole group is suppose to bully people, why is that?" I said. "You changed me, you made me a different person than I was and I am thankful for it. You just caught my eye and my heart." He said, smiling.

I blushed and hugged him gently before pulling him to my chest, playing with his hair. "Thank you for picking me WinWin." I said, feeling myself getting emotional. "Thank you for picking me Courtney." He said. I felt a tear fall from my eye as I held him closer. "Now get some sleep." I whispered. The two of us slowly drifted off to sleep together soundly only to be woken up a few hours later by loud voices downstairs. I rubbed my tired eyes as WinWin woke up. "Are you okay?" He said, slight panic in his voice. "Yeah, they are just being loud downstairs." I said.

"How are you feeling? I mean, about the whole turning thing." He said as he got closer to me. "I feel better actually, I haven't had any problems with my lungs since it happened and I can see better too." I said as I sat next to him. "I'm glad..sad that it had to come to this but glad you are okay." He said sweetly. I leaned forward and kissed him on the lips gently, making him blush. I watched as he stood up and stretched, his muscles showing, making me admire his figure. "Have you always looked this damn handsome?" I asked.

He turned and looked at me confused. "I don't know, it might just be the hormones talking still. You never really looked at me like this before." He said, scratching his neck as he avoided eye contact. "Not true, I've always found you attractive." I admitted. He blushed as I got up and stretched, taking a deep breath before suggesting we go snoop on what is going on downstairs with the others. "Not sure that is a good idea but alright." He said, shrugging. I followed close behind him, the two of us creeping down the stairs hand in hand. I heard voices but still couldn't make out what they were saying until we hid behind the corner.

They seemed to be trying to come up with a plan to fight the elders but some were hesitant about uncluding me and Sicheng in the fight and others wanted us to join them, more strength in numbers. "That doesn't sound good." I whispered. "I think it might be our only choice though. I don't want you involved though." He said back. "I'm not letting you go alone." I said sadly. "I don't want you hurt again." He said a little too loudy, making all of the voices in the living room quiet down. We stepped out awkwardly as everyone looked at us.

" are you feeling?" Samantha asked as she saw me. "I'm a little better." I said, putting on a small smile. "We heard about the plan to fight the elders." WinWin blurted out suddenly, surprising me. "You heard all of that?" Mark said. "Well not all of it, we haven't been standing here that long." WinWin said. "I don't think you should get involved Courtney." Samantha said. "Samantha isn't going to fight either." Baekhyun said protectively. Samantha sighed and looked down at the ground, stressed out.

"Courtney, you should go lay back down and let us discuss this-" Johnny started to say before I cut him off. "I'm not sending you out there to fight for me, or Ten." I said. "I'm fighting with you guys, I'm a part of the pack now and we all need to gang together to take these elders down." I said as WinWin grabbed my hand. "Courtney-" he tried to say behind me but I ignored him. "This is my battle to fight too, because of those bastards, I was kidnapped, locked away and turned into a werewolf." I said angrily.

I flashed my yellow eyes at them as I got angry that they didn't want me to join. I wasn't useless and I could now fight, might as well use everyone we got. I brought WinWin over to the couch with me and sat down, joining the discussion. "Alright, I trust Courtney, if she says she can handle this, then I believe her. What's the plans we have so far?" WinWin said. I admired him for sticking up for me and believing in me. We waited for anyone to speak up about the plans while I laid my head down on his shoulder.

"You two seem to have gotten a lot closer." Samantha said. "I mean he's my mate now so..but either way, I really thought about things while I was locked away and I realized how much I really like him." I admitted, making him blush. She smirked at me quickly, making me roll my eyes. I looked over at Johnny who was eyeing us same as Ten. I hid behind WinWin's arm as Taeyong spoke up finally about the plans. "We have to get as many people in on this as we can, there are several elders and many people working for them who will try to protect them, sadly that includes our parents." He said.

I had completely forgotten that my mom works with those awful people..I didn't want to have to fight my mom but if she gets in the way, I will have to. "I hate to say it but we need to get Kyungsoo back here to help, we need everyone for this." Chanyeol said, making me frown. I could see WinWin do the same from the corner of my eye, making me hold onto his arm. He smiled at me lightly as I laid my head back down on his shoulder. "We're gonna help too." A voice suddenly said, shocking all of us as we looked to the hallway, surprised at who we saw...Heechul and Kun.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not too much left on this book, thanks for sticking around to read this story :)


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