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Sam's P.O.V
We all turned to face what Courtney gasped at and noticed seven wolves stalking towards us. "Finally." I beamed. I began to walk to the wolves when someone stopped me by grabbing my hand. I felt sparks go through my body and instantly turned to see who it was. Baekhyun was holding my hand while shooting glares to the wolves. "Don't go near them Sam. They're wild animals." I blushed when he called me by my nickname. Remembering the situation we were in, I shook my head and pulled my hand out of his. "You don't understand. These are the same wolves me and Courtney met before." I clarified. "They're harmless."

I returned to walking towards the wolves and reached my hand out when I got close. "Remember me? You're a part of Jet's pack right?" I heard a scoff come from behind me. Ignoring it, I got a tiny bit closer but stopped when the wolf bared its teeth. He snapped at me which caused me to yelp and jump back. "These are not the same wolves." I muttered to myself. I quickly spun around and ran back to the group yelling, "They're not the same! Baekhyun was right!" I made it back and was grabbed at the waist.

Someone pulled me behind them and I looked up to see that it was Baekhyun. "Stay here." He demanded, still holding my waist. The wolves were closing the distance to us. I frantically looked around and noticed D.O walking away. "Where are you going?" Suho asked while following him. He gave up after a few seconds when D.O didn't respond. Suho returned to the group and D.O vanished into the woods. Chanyeol placed his hand on Suho's shoulder. "Don't worry. He's just trying to help." He assured. Help by walking away? Some help that is.

Baekhyun stepped away from me and I saw that he was going towards the wolves. "Are you crazy?!" I hissed. He waved me off and continued his pace. As he reached the wolves, he looked them dead in the eyes and held that stare. The wolves growled at him, more fierce then what they did to me. They continued the staring competition until Baekhyun spoke up. "I wouldn't do this if I was you." He warned. I would have thought that he was insane if I didn't do the same thing with Jet. When I thought that the tension was dying down, I shrieked when one of the wolves lunged at Baekhyun. He rose both of his hands, which I now noticed that one was injured, ready to defend himself, when an entirely new wolf pounced on the other.

They both fell to the ground with a loud thud. The wolf from the pack was on the bottom, snapping at the other's neck. The new wolf pushed off against the other's chest and stood its ground. Meanwhile, the wolves from the pack ran towards us. I looked around and saw that one went after Ten and Sehun, another went to Chanyeol, a third went to Courtney, and a fourth chased after Johnny. I also noticed the fifth wolf was going after Suho. I started to panic when I couldn't find the last wolf.

That was when I heard Baekhyun shout, "Leave her alone!" The air was knocked out of my lungs as I was pushed up against a tree. I shut my eyes to block the pain coming from my hip but it didn't work. I looked down and gasped when I saw the remaining wolf growling at me. I tried to hold back my tears, not wanting to give the wolf the satisfaction. My hip gave out from the pain and I fell to the ground. The wolf barked, as if laughing at me. I spit at it and smirked. I think he didn't like that.

He lunged for my neck, I closed my eyes, to weak too fight him away. Instead, I heard a grunt and opened my eyes to see Baekhyun on the wolf. He was trying to pin down its legs, but the wolf squirmed out of his grasp. It quickly faced Baekhyun and bit his left leg. He screamed in pain and used his other leg to kick the wolf off of him. It yelped in pain and scurried into the forest. Baekhyun limped towards me and offered me his hand. I accepted it and he helped me to stand. I shivered from the sparks and groaned when I felt the pain again. I shouldn't complain though. He was just bitten.

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now