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Sam's P.O.V
With a loud thud, I placed the last box onto the kitchen table. Why did my mom buy so many plates? There's only three of us. I wiped away the small amount of sweat that started to form on my forehead and looked around the room. I've never saw the new house until today and I've gotta admit. It looks really beautiful. It has the same style like the homes back in America but with its own twist. I can definitely pinpoint where the Korean culture stands out.

I was about to go back outside when I heard my mother call. "Hey Samantha, when you're done, come in the living room! We have a surprise for you!" A surprise? Was the move not enough? They didn't even tell me we were moving until a couple of weeks ago. I sighed, not in annoyance, but because I was really tired. The flight here was long enough and then I had to move boxes all day long. What more do they want?

I rubbed my eyes and walked through the hallway and into the living room. When I entered, I saw that my mom was sitting on the couch and my dad was standing up. They both looked at me with the biggest smiles on their faces. Creepy much? "What was the surprise?" I asked. My dad turned and looked at my mom, as if asking if she wanted to go first. She simply giggled and turned back to me.

"We know that you had to share your room with your Grandparents back in America. You never had any privacy. So we decided that since they have retired into a nursing home, you needed your own room." I was stunned. My own room?! I have only dreamt of this day! "Are you guys serious?!" They laughed and my dad spoke up. "We are. It's upstairs at the end of the hall to your right. Go check it out."

After I thanked and gave both of them a hug, I ran upstairs and down the hall until I made it to my door. I can't believe that I finally had my own room. I held my breath in anticipation and turned the knob. You could hear it rattle from my shaking hands. It wasn't because I was scared, I was just really nervous. The door quietly swung open and came to a halt. I walked through and released my breath when I saw how beautiful it was. I was in heaven.

The size of the room alone had me dead. It looked like it could hold two or three people, four at the max. My boxes were already placed in here from the movers. There was a king sized bed in the corner, closest to the door, and the closet was big enough to walk in and out of. Good thing I don't have a lot of clothes. There were shelves above the bed and around the room to place my books and pictures on. I walked further in and noticed that there was a desk on the further side of the room. Perfect place to get creative. I kept walking around until I saw there was a mirror on the back of the door leading to the hallway.

I walked up to it and looked at myself. Trust me, I'm not narcissistic. I straightened my brown hair this morning so it was able to go past my shoulders. Since my eyes had bags underneath them from the long trip here, the green in them were able to stand out a little more. I had a few pimples here and there but nothing major. I'll just cover them up with concealer. I looked at my outfit and sighed in annoyance. Schools in Korea apparently require students to wear uniforms. The uniform came with a white blouse shirt, a black jacket, a plaid ribbon and a plaid skirt. I don't like showing a lot of skin, so I added black leggings to cover up my legs. The shoes were just normal dress shoes.

 The shoes were just normal dress shoes

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I started to pat my stomach and hummed. I wasn't on the skinny side, but I also wasn't on the obese side. I was just big. It didn't bother me, I was fine with it. It means I just have more love to give. With one last pat, I pulled my phone out and checked the time. It was around 7:30 a.m. If I can recall, my parents said that school starts around 8. I put my phone back in my jacket and walked out of my room. As I was coming down the stairs, I almost slipped because my phone buzzed and startled me. I pulled it back out and saw that it was a text from my friend Courtney.

Courtney: You better hurry. I wouldn't want to be late for class on our first day. Especially in a new country.

Me: Don't worry. I'll be right out. Just let me grab my bag.

Courtney: I'll be waiting outside. Peace.

I chuckled and placed my phone into my jacket once again. "Mom! Dad!" I yelled. "In here!" They replied. I followed their voices and saw that they were in the kitchen. They were sitting at the table, my mom, reading on her phone, and my dad, reading the South Korean newspaper. I said, "You should teach me Korean someday. Since, you know, I'm living in Korea now." He laughed and put down the paper. "I'm sure you'll learn it in no time." He looked down at the floor and picked something up.

"Listen sweetie," My mom said after she looked up from her phone. "Since me and your father have new jobs here, we won't have time to teach you the language. You have to learn it on your own." I frowned and nodded my head. I knew they wouldn't have time. They didn't then and they don't now. Nothing new there. I guess I can always learn at school or with Courtney.

When my dad rose back up, he had my backpack in his hands. "Catch." He said as he threw my bag to me. I caught it right before it hit the floor. "Thanks." I check to make sure that all my things were there and toss it on my back. "I'm heading to Courtney's house. Love you guys." I closed the door after I heard them reply. When I started to walk down our stone path, I looked around and admired the beauty of Korea. It was truly an amazing sight. The buildings looked phenomenal, the nature is beautiful, and the atmosphere just felt more positive. After walking for a couple of seconds, I stopped at Courtney's house and saw her waving at me.

The only good thing about moving here is that me and Courtney are neighbors. Our parents are close friends and got the same job together, so that instantly meant that me and her would see a lot of each other. I waved back and she walked up to me. She was smiling at me when she said, "I'm so nervous. Are you nervous? Do you think we'll stand out?" I laughed and started walking. She followed close behind me. "First, I am a little nervous. Who wouldn't be? We are in a new country and know no one. Second, we are from America. We are going to a Korean high school. Of course we will stand out."

She giggled and fist bumped my shoulder. "Thanks for making me feel better." I shrugged and looked forward. "I'm your best friend. No matter what happens, we stick together. We have each other's backs." She smiled and looked forward as well. We continued to walk for a couple more minutes and I saw that the school was coming into view. Time to face our new lives. I grabbed Courtney's hand and we ran the rest of the way there.

When we got to the gated entrance, I noticed that there were more people than I was expecting. There were students coming from every direction. Off buses, riding bikes, driving cars, and walking like we did. My heart started to beat faster from the size of them. Don't worry. I can do this. Me and Courtney walked through the entrance and went up the steps to the doors. I noticed that people were staring at us. I couldn't blame them, I would stare too.

I tried to listen to their conversations as hard as I could. The only words that I could make out were saeloun yeoja (new girls), migug salam (american), gimyohan (weird), and chingu (friends). I really need to learn this language. In the midst of the murmurs, I got distracted and didn't notice the last step. My foot slipped and my whole body came crashing down. I landed on my hands, trying to make sure my face didn't land first.

"Samantha! Are you okay?!" I heard Courtney yell. I hissed from the pain and turned over so I could sit on my butt. I checked my body to see if there were any scrapes. Lucky for me, the worst thing that I got was a scratch on my hand. "Yeah, I'm fine." She offered me her hand and I accepted. When I got up, I looked around and saw that they were all laughing and pointing. I hope they enjoyed the show. "Come on." She said. "We can go inside now."

I followed behind her, making sure that no one could see my face. What a great first impression. Hopefully Courtney has better luck then me. We got to the doors and Courtney entered first. I grabbed the door handle, looking back one last time. Everyone was going on with their normal day, as if nothing happened. I already don't have a good feeling about this place. I walked through the doors, hoping that they will truly forget what happened. Luck is never on my side though.

Hey guys. I hope you all liked the first chapter and wasn't too bored with it. These first two chapters, though, will be about us so I'm sorry if they seem boring to you all. Trust me though, it will get better. Thank you for reading and I hope you all stick around for the ride. Fighting! ~ Sam

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now