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Sam's P.O.V
"Hold up. So you're telling me that you actually got to pet a wolf?" Ten gasped as we continued to walk down the street. After we left the restaurant, we decided on just walking around because we had some time to kill. The topic of the wolves came up because we passed a pet shop and I immediately started to freak out. "I'm telling you the truth! It was a dream come true." I said while cupping my face. I heard Courtney groan from behind me.

I turned around and saw her banging her head against Johnny's shoulder. "Make her stop. I've already heard this rant before. Once it starts, it will never end." She complained. I stuck my tongue out at her and faced the other way. Ten was still processing the new information. "Are you sure that they weren't sick?" He questioned. I thought back to when Jet rubbed his head against mine and remembered his nose. "Nope. Jet was healthy. He had a very wet nose." I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

As I was about to add on to what I was saying, I wasn't looking ahead of me and ran into a hard object. I steadied myself and looked up to see that the hard object was actually a man. "Sorry sir." I said while bowing. Once I rose back up, I saw that the man was smiling down at me. "No worries." He said. He bowed back and waved to everyone else. Taking a closer look at him, I noticed that he was in his late 20's and had short brown hair. "My name is Ryeowook." He stated. I turned and pointed to the group. "That's Ten. The girl next to him is Courtney and that other guy is Johnny."

They all bowed at Ryeowook. I awkwardly chuckled and said, "Sorry for running into you. I usually don't look at where I'm going. I should probably stop doing that." This caused him to laugh as well. "As long as there was no damage, I think we should be good." He walked over and patted my shoulder. I guess he's never heard of personal space. I smiled softly and cleared my throat to respond. Johnny beat me to the punch though. "Look at the time. We would love to stay here and chat but we have places to go and people to see." I guess he could feel the awkwardness because he grabbed my wrist and brought me back to the group. I stood next to Courtney and looked back at Ryeowook.

He had his hands in his pockets and was heading in the other direction. Just before he was out of view, I could hear him yelling something to us. "Be safe you guys! And Samantha, make sure to keep your head up!" Then he was gone. I sighed and and faced Johnny. "Thanks for that. I was getting really weirded out." I said and gave him a fist pump. "No problem." He replied. "But aren't you freaked out?" I gave him a reason confused look. "For what?" Ten walked over and said, "Because he knew your name!"

I stood there in shock, trying to remember if I told my name on purpose or accident. Nothing came to mind. I didn't realize that I was reaching out for someone until I felt something squeeze my hand. I followed the arm and saw that it belonged to Courtney. She smiled at me and said, "Calm down. He knows your name because he probably works with our parents." I nodded my head and brought her in for a quick hug. She really hated these. After a few seconds, she pushed me away and noticed that I was laughing at her. "You bish." She said. I saw her little smirk though.

They all continued on down the sidewalk, discussing different places we could hang at. Right before I followed, I heard whimpering coming from behind me. I quickly spun around to see where the noise was coming from. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dog come out from behind a building. I focused in on it and discovered that it was actually one of the wolves from the forest. He had his head down and was walking to me slowly. When he looked up, I instantly recognized him as Jet. "Oh my god! What are you doing here?!" I whispered yelled so my friends wouldn't get worried.

I bent down to his level and looked into his eyes. They looked like they were trying to tell me something. "Listen boy, you can't be here." I rubbed his scruff and looked around to make sure no one saw him. People would go crazy if they saw a wolf in the city. Facing him again, I saw that he was licking his paw. I looked down at it and saw that it was bleeding. So this is why he was in town. "What the hell did you do while I was gone?" I said while sighing. I grabbed his paw and inspected the wound. The cut didn't look too bad. It wasn't deep so it would heal in no time.

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now