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Courtney's P.O.V

As I realized what she was talking about, we started to walk towards where the noise was coming from. Not wanting anyone to see us, we hid behind the wall. After a few seconds, we became too curious about what was going on. So we decided to peek around the corner, not knowing exactly where to look. After looking around, I couldn't see much of what was happening until Samantha gasped and pointed towards a group of boys at the end of the hallway. The muffled noises that we heard now made sense, seeing that the group of boys were beating up another kid. "I hate bullies." Samantha said, looking disgusted. Seeing as we have both had our fair share of bullies over the years, I understood completely how she felt seeing this situation go down.

After standing there, watching the kid get beaten up by these horrible boys, I decided to take action and attempt to stop them. I pushed past Samantha and started walking towards the boys, ready to start a fight. I sped up, walking faster and faster as Samantha tried to catch up. "What are you doing?!" She yelled, causing a few of the boys to turn around and look at us. "I am stopping these bullies from beating this innocent kid, what else does it look like?" I said as I continued to walk towards the boys, who glanced over at us. "Courtney, you really shouldn't mess with those boys, they look pretty serious." She said, while still trying to catch up to me.

I completely ignored her and turned around to yell at the boys. "Hey, leave the kid alone!" I yelled, causing them to back away from the kid and look at me. I stopped walking as they walked towards me and Samantha, now looking even more angry. As they got closer, I noticed that the kid they had beaten up was gone. Hoping that he had went to get help, I turned back around, standing my ground as I looked at the boys who were now in front of me, showing them no fear. "So I see that we seem to have some new girls in our school." The boy with the pale purple, almost grey hair, who seemed to be the leader said. "What do you mean your school?" I said with a smart tone, looking the boy right in the eyes.

Not gonna lie, he was kind of cute, if he wasn't such a jerk. They were all attractive to be honest. Why did the attractive boys always have to be stuck up jerks? "Sorry, she didn't mean to be rude." Samantha said shyly, looking at the boys and then back to me. "Courtney, apologize to them." She continued, trying to get us out of the situation that we were in. "You're gonna let this bitch say that to you?" the boy with blonde spiked up hair said. As I became very offended at his remark, the boy in the back, who also had blonde hair, but with pink in it spoke quietly to the blonde one who insulted me.

"You shouldn't call a girl that Taeil." I heard him whisper. So the rude, blonde ones name is Taeil. To be honest, I really could not care less if I learned any of their names or not. "Whatever." Taeil said as he shoved the seemingly innocent boy away. "Oh hell to the nah." I heard Samantha say from behind me, which shocked me because she usually doesn't speak up much around others. "So this one decides to speak up too." the boy with hair, kind of like a mop said while getting up in Samantha's face. She pushed him back quickly, causing him to throw a punch at her. Which she dodged, getting back up to throw a punch at him before the boy with the purple hair got into the middle of the fight, catching Samantha's fist.

"Ok, no one needs to fight here." the one, who I was still guessing was the leader said while pushing the mop-headed boy back. "Agreed." Samantha said, while dusting off her shoulder, not breaking eye contact with the boy. "So, let's all get acquainted shall we." the short, purple-haired boy said. Before I could speak up, he shushed me, making me really annoyed. "Ok, I will introduce myself first. My name is Taeyong, I am a senior at this school and I am the leader of this group." he said. He then gestured towards the other boys, so they could introduce themselves. "My name is Taeil, I am the eldest of this group and I am also a senior." the boy with the spiked up blonde hair said, looking like he really didn't want to be here. Taeyong quickly elbowed him in the arm, gesturing towards me for him to apologize.

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now