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Courtney's P.O.V

"What do you mean, 'finish what you started'?" Johnny said as he put a finger in Tao's face. Tao didn't reply but instead he grabbed Johnny's finger and yanked him forward before he pushed him onto the floor and began kicking him. Samantha let out a slight scream as she hid behind me. I held Ten back, knowing that he would get hurt if he were to be involved. I stood there frozen, clenching my fist, not wanting to fight. But, Tao continued to beat Johnny who was now bleeding from his mouth and his nose. This continued to go on again and again while the others watched. Then, something happened, all of the anger I had built up in that moment was wanting to be released.

So, I pushed Ten back and lunged for Tao, knocking him down. I began punching him over and over as Johnny struggled to get up. I beat him until blood spurted from his lips, spilling out a dark maroon shade on the once white carpet. I continued to hit him over and over as Johnny tried to make his way to me, attempting to help me. I began to think that I was not going to be able to stop until I killed Tao. That was until Kris and Luhan threw me off of him and onto the ground in front of my friends. "You bitch" Tao said as he kicked me hard in the chest, knocking the air out of my lungs. "Now, who else wants to say something?!" Kris yelled in anger as he walked in our direction.

I crawled on the floor, trying to make it towards my friends, but I couldn't make it very far before I collapsed as the air in my lungs became limited. I felt in my pocket, looking for my medicine but to my dismay, I found nothing. I suddenly remembered that I had given the bottle to Ten earlier when we had gotten to the house. I looked over and saw Ten running in my direction as Samantha was trying to help Johnny stand while she continued to glare at the men before her. Ten helped me up quickly before rushing me over towards Samantha and Johnny before he pulled something out of his pocket. I smiled lightly as I realized it was my pills. "Here, take these Courtney" Ten said as he continued to hold me up, keeping me from collapsing again. Without hesitation, I took the pills and sat there for a moment before attempting to face the men again.

Ten continued to hold me up as Johnny patted my arm, trying to comfort me. I felt bad, knowing that he was the one that we needed to worry about, not me. Though, I had been injured too, I wasn't worried about myself in the moment. The only things that came to my mind were Johnny and how to get revenge on Tao. Tao had hurt the one family member that actually cared for me, and I was not going to let this whole thing go. "We don't have time for your little pity party." Luhan said as he gestured towards the five of us, sad looks on our faces, making it obvious. "What the hell are you talking about 'pity party'?" Samantha spoke, before she backed down, still struggling to hold Johnny up.

Before anyone else could say anything, I glanced over at Heechul who was hiding in the corner of the room, not saying a word as this scene went down. Kris must have noticed me look over because he suddenly looked over in the same direction. "Why are you not helping your friends huh?" Kris said as he walked over to Heechul. He tried to back down, for some reason not wanting to show his face before Kris yanked him away from the wall. "I see you haven't changed a bit Heechul" he said as he gripped onto the collar of Heechul's shirt, not taking his eyes off of him. "Heechul, please tell me how you know them" I mumbled, still struggling to speak,but I was still curious to how they even knew his name.

"I am not involved with them" Heechul said as Kris finally let go of his collar, though he still didn't take his glare off of him. By the way his words shook slightly as he spoke, I somehow doubted that he was telling the truth. However, I didn't see how a guy like Heechul could ever be involved with Kris, Tao and Luhan, he appeared weak and innocent. Or maybe that was just an act, maybe Heechul wasn't who he said he was. Or maybe Kris was the one that was lying, maybe he was just trying to create a scene. 'But how would he know his name?' I questioned to myself. I didn't want to think on it anymore, knowing that if I thought to much on anything here, I would trust absolutely no one. Then again, I didn't really trust anyone completely in this town except Johnny, Ten, Samantha and EXO.

Don't be afraid, Love is the way. {An EXO and NCT fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now