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Bucky's POV

"Guys, I found something." Natasha comes barreling in the living room with her laptop in hand. "I've been meeting with high-end rich people for over a week now, trying to get any type of information. I met with this one lady, Carol Streen, and she pointed me in the direction of this website." She flips her laptop around so we can all see it.

Tony is the first to speak. "... Natasha this is a website for buying customized bracelets."

She starts flailing her arms around. "No, no I know that. I told the woman that there was a rich business owner that kept bothering me and I wasn't sure what to do about it and is the website the lady said would help me."

Steve speaks next, "so what, you order a bracelet and she goes out and kills someone?"

She leans over and smacks Steve on the back of his head. "Okay, ouch."

"If you'd let me finish, you'd understand. Anyways, watch." She turns her attention to the screen and starts clicking buttons. "I was a little suspicious about it, because you really can order bracelets off of it, there's like 23 of them on the way here, sorry Tony, but if you add this blue bracelet at the bottom to your cart, look what pops up in the screen."

"Error Code: 333. Call 251-699-2784 for assistance."

Tony speaks. "Okay 1, not happy about you buying 23 overpriced serial killer bracelets on my card and to my compound, 2 nice work Natasha. Let's get a plan together so we can call this number and set up a deal."

Sam talks next, "Well we can't send any of us to the meet-up, it's kind of obvious since we're Avengers."

A thought pops in my brain, "What if I do it?"

Every ones head snaps towards me. Steve speaks, "Why you, Buck?"

I shrug. "I'm not an avenger, she probably wouldn't recognize me. I would say we send someone like Pepper, but this girl is apparently good at taking down large men, so Pepper wouldn't be safe with her."

Tony shrugs. "I'm game if you guys are."

Steve nods, "call the number, Buck."

Beth's POV

I'm laying in bed re-watching Gossip Girl for what seems like the 25th time when I hear my second phone ringing. I get up off my couch and make my way over to my night stand. I live in a studio apartment, so it's all in the same room.

"Poppy's bracelets, how can I help?"

"Um, yeah.. I tried to order the blue bracelet on your website as a gift for someone, but it gave me a number to call."

I let out a light laugh. "I don't do orders for men. Sorry for the inconvenience."

I go to end the call when he starts yelling. "WAIT, I'll pay triple your normal amount!"

I slowly bring the phone back up to my ear. "Do you even know my normal amount?"

"I know it's not cheap."

I sit and think about it for a minute. "Who is this for?"

"Tony Stark." I hear slight muffling on the mans end of the call, but nothing enough to alarm me.

"Do you know he's the leader of a band of superheroes and lives in a fully protected compound, right?"

"I do."

I ponder on the thought. "What'd he do to you?"

It's quiet on the other end for a few seconds. "He, uh... he built weapons for a while and uh- one of them killed my wife and kids.. yeah. I want him dead."

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