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HI WHORES I'm curious, how old are you guys and where are you from? I'll start, I'm 21 (I'm a pisces hehe) and I'm from North Carolina LEMME HEAR EM (if you're comfortable with that of course)

Bucky's POV

The ride back to the tower consisted of Steve driving and me in the back holding Beth. I was going to do it anyways, but Steve had insisted I stay back here incase she woke up. I knew his motive was just giving me a reason to hold her, so I am thankful.

I've never been a PDA type of person, I don't see a reason for people to make out in public, it's always made me uncomfortable. I don't even really do anything with Beth in front of people. The only time we've ever kissed in front of all them was when we accidentally outted ourselves, the night of the fireworks, and the day Steve and Nat followed us, but I've never purposefully kissed her in front of anyone knowing that they were watching.

I think that's one of the things I regret the most, not being as affectionate just because other people are around. All I could think about for the month she was gone was how many times I missed out on simply touching her because of who was in the room. I was even thankful when Steve gave me a logical reason to be in the backseat with her so that I wouldn't be embarrassed when I did.

But as I'm sitting here, stroking her hair, whispering things to her, I can't seem to fathom why I would ever hold back on doing any of these things.

We reach the tower and Steve gets out of the car, opening my door. I scoop her up the rest of the way and step out, holding her to my chest. Steve shuts the door behind me and we begin walking towards the elevator. Steve's unnaturally quiet, like he wants to say something. He doesn't utter a word until we enter the elevator. "Buck, we gotta put her in a cell. We don't know what's in her head still."

I sigh, not looking over at him as I answer. "I know." I think he expected more of a fight, because he just simply goes quiet and presses the button to the 4th floor.

Truth is, I know this isn't going to go over super well. Her memory is freshly wiped, she's not going to remember any of us. She's probably going to wake up and freak out, but I'm trying to prepare myself for the worst.

It's going to be hard knowing she's in the same building as me and I can't touch her or get to hold her again for a while, but eventually we will get back to that, I know it. I'm hopeful.

The elevator opens and we step out. Steve leads me back to the room at the end of the hallway, holding the door open as I walk me and Beth inside of it. It's a large room with 15 plexiglass cells, all bullet proof. They stuck me in here when they first got me for a while. I tried to punch through it so many times and it never budged, so I know she'll at least be safe in here. Steve goes over to the electronic tablet on the wall and pops open a door to one of the cells. I walk her in and lay her down on the bed and take off all her restraints, then stand next to her for a minute.

God, I fucking missed her.

"C'mon, Buck. We'll come back later to check on her, everyone else will be back in a second and Tony will want to talk to us."

I huff, leaning down to kiss her forehead before walking out, shutting the door behind me.

Once we're back in the elevator again, Steve turns to me. He huffs. "So, what's your plan?"

I turn to him this time, raising a brow. "Huh?"

He huffs out a laugh. "To get get memories back. Everyone will help, but I know you have about 70 different ideas running ramped in your head. Lemme hear 'em."

I smirk a little, turning my head back towards the elevator doors. I lean back into the wall and let a deep breath out. "I'm not exactly sure what will work, hearing you say our usual catchphrase helped me realize I knew who you were, but what really helped was time. They all just came back the longer I was away from HYDRA. I've thought about taking her to some of the places we've been, though. That's about as far as I've gotten."

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