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Here's a present for 17k hehehe thank you guys <3

Beth's POV

It's 10 pm and I had been watching tv since we got back. I was tired of that, so I decided to take a bath instead. I don't take them often, but when I do, I make sure the bubbles are up to my neck.

I've been in here about 10 minutes and I've been reflecting on my day. After the night I had, I'm glad my day went how it did. I woke up next to Bucky after he helped me and was playful all morning. Then, he took me on a bike ride and let me drive his bike, which he doesn't let anyone do according to Steve. Then, we went on a mission, one of my missions, and he let me do everything. Then of course there was dinner at the sushi place, which was actually a lot of fun.

I spent all this time here blaming him for what he did as the Winter Soldier only to find out he's not actually a bad person after all.

There's a knock on my bathroom door. "Hey, tiny, you in there?"

"Yeah, I'm in the bath but you can come in. I'm covered."

He opens the door and walks in, then slowly turns towards me with his eyes barely open. He lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank god."

I laugh. "Sorry, did I scar you after the whole 'taking my dress off in front of you' thing?"

He laughs and pulls up a stool beside the bathtub. "You remember that?"

I nod. "Yeah, I wasn't that drunk, just kind of tipsy. I remember everything, I was just enough tipsy to where I didn't really care about anything."

He smiles and nods. "Makes sense. So anyways.."

I lean my head back on the tub. "Yes?"

"Did you have a nice time at the sushi place."

I make a face. "Steve, really?"

He holds his hands up in surrender. "I'm just curious, Buck won't spill."

I huff. "Yes, we had a wonderful time, surprisingly."

He nods. "Good, I'm glad. Do you think you guys are starting to be friends yet?"

I shrug. "I don't know, maybe. He knows mostly everything about me, I can't sleep in a bed without him there, he's even helping me try to find my dad-"

"Wait, he's what?"

I smirk. "Don't tell anyone, but Nat and Bucky are helping me find him. I've been trying to track him down for years. Apparently he's a part of HYDRA or something."

His eyes go wide. "Seriously?"

I nod. "Yeah, I think it kind of shook Bucky up seeing his face. He's the one who replaced his teeth. I think he may have been recruited for that purpose.. I'm not sure though."

"Wow, that's big. I'm sorry, tiny."

I give a half-shrug. "Can I be honest with you?"


I sigh and look down. "I'm a little worried Bucky is the reason my dad wanted us gone. Maybe that organization made him do it to join?"

He huffs. "Tiny, listen to me." I look back up at him. "There is nothing in this world I would want bad enough to kill any of you, especially not people who are my flesh and blood. The man killed his wife, his 7 year old daughter, and attempted to kill his 12 year old daughter. He wasn't a good person to begin with. Wanna know my opinion?"

I nod.

"I think that you're right, it might be possible that found him and asked him to join to help Buck out, but he could've said no. He didn't have to agree to join and kill his own family. Even if he was doing it to protect you from what HYDRA could do to you, even if he told them no and they threatened him, he could've warned your mother so she could have gotten you all out of there. Hell, I would rather die myself then have a chance at any of my family getting hurt. There is no excuse for what he did, B. Don't put this on Bucky."

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