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besties y'all ain't slick all the spicy chapters have like 200+ more reads than the others I know some of you are re-reading them HAHAHAHA caught yo ass

Bucky's POV

It's been almost 3 weeks since they started the surveillance on the HYDRA bases, and it's been tense around here to say the least.

Beth told me what Tony had said to her that pissed her off. She's been extra snarky around him recently, and when I said extra, I mean like.. excruciatingly extra. Everything he says, she has something rude or sarcastic to say to him. I mean it's understandable, but I don't think it's going to work out for her like she wants it to.

I honestly don't get why he just won't let her do it. We're bombing the place and killing everyone else, minus a few, so why can't she just kill him, too?

Wow, my morals have changed since meeting her.

Actually, I don't think they've changed. I still would rather bring someone in and let them rot in a cell than kill them.

But this is different.

This is the man who murdered and killed Beth's entire family and almost killed her, too.

I'd kill him myself if I knew it wouldn't piss her off and make her hate me forever.

I know when she first told me about it, I told her that no one deserved to die, but ever since that day my feelings for her just keep getting stronger. I'm at the point where I'd kill anyone who tried to hurt her.

"Tony, fucking move. Damn."

"No. Not until you talk to me. I'm tired of you avoiding me and giving me rude back talk every time you actually do happen to be in the same room as me."

She stands still and glares at him, not saying a word.

He turns around and grabs a piece of turkey bacon off the plate she was trying to get to, holding it in front of him and waving it in her face. She goes to grab it but he pulls it back. "Ah-ah, every time you answer me, you get a piece."

She talks through gritted teeth. "How about I just kick your ass and take it instead?"

He laughs sarcastically. "Why are you mad?"

She scoffs. "You know why I'm mad, Tony."

"Nope. I know what I told you that made you mad, but you never explained exactly why. So, explain."

She rolls her eyes. "Maybe because I started my entire assassin business to prepare me for the day I finally find my father and you're literally taking away my entire life's purpose?"

He points at her. "See, that's the problem." He reaches his his hand out and hands her the bacon. She takes it and rips off a bite while he continues talking. "You killing your father is your entire life's purpose. What happens when you do it? What are you going to do after that?"

She shrugs. "I don't know, feel overjoyed that the murderous sperm donor I was gifted with doesn't get to live another day on this Earth."

He shakes his head. "No. You will feel empty. Bored. Like you have nothing more to live for. Your entire career revolved around finding this man. Did you ever stop and think, what happens after?"

She stares at him. "Did you ever stop and think maybe instead of feeling sadness and despair afterwards, I would feel, oh I don't know, accomplished?"

He reaches behind him and grabs another piece of bacon, handing it to her. "Kiddo, it's not going to work out like that. You have too big of a heart. This is your father. I can't let you do something you might regret for the rest of your life."

So that's why he wouldn't let her do it.

"Tony, he killed my entire family. The family he loved and cared for, for years . I'm not going to regret it."

He huffs reaching behind him one last time and just grabbing the entire plate. I can literally see her mouth watering from the other side of the room. "If I promise to consider it, will you take this peace offering and forgive me?"

She gives him a sly smile, grabbing the plate from him. "Deal. But honestly, the bacon was unnecessary because I already got my revenge."

His eyes go wide. "What did you do?"

She smirks, grabbing piece of bacon and biting a piece of. "Oh, nothing."

"Sounds like a lie to me."

She shrugs. "You told me it was okay to lie to you if I kept the sex stuff out."

Oh my god.

Everyone stops their private conversations and starts listening in to the issue at hand. Tony's head whips over to me. "What did you two do?"

B turns to me. "Buck, you may want to run. He won't hurt me, but he may try and kill you."

I slap my hand to my face. "Beth. Stop talking."

Tony laughs loudly. "No, please! Go ahead! I need to know where I should disinfect."

She shrugs. "No use now, it's been like 2 weeks."

He stops talking for a minute. I can see him calculating 2 weeks ago in his head.

Suddenly he gasps. "My office?"

Everyone at the table whips their head to me. Nat starts laughing loudly, clearly amused. "You did what?"

I throw my hands up. "It was her idea! He had just told her she wasn't allowed to kill the 1 person she wanted to kill and she was pissed off! JARVIS told me there was an emergency so I ran up there!"

"Hey, it was an emergency!"

I turn my head to her. "Was it, though?"

She lifts an eyebrow. "Seemed like you agreed when you bent me over Tony's desk."

Tony gags. "Oh my god! Oh my god! This is literally going to be the reason I die. Somebody shoot me, please."

B turns back towards him. "That can be arranged."

"I thought we agreed you were done with the snarky comments! You had sex on my desk!"

She shrugs. "You deserved it."

"Oh, I most certainly did no-"

Steve throws his hands up. "Enough! Jesus, my ears are going to fall off. No more sex talk, ever. And you two just agreed you're friends again, so act like it. B, sit down and eat your bacon."

Beth and Tony both turn their heads to each other. Silently mocking Steve behind his back. He whips around really fast and barely catches them, if he had turned any slower he would've missed it. "Sit. Both of you. Now."

They both silently walk over the the table and sit down. Tony speaks. "Sorry, dad."

B mocks him, too. "Sorry, bro."

Steve huffs and hangs his head. "I'm going back to stay at my apartment."

B laughs and grabs some bacon off her plate, holding it in front of him. "You wouldn't dare. Truce?"

He looks at the bacon for a second but eventually grabs it, trying to hide his smile. "I hate you."

She makes a cynical face. "Oh, baby, say-"

"Don't say it or I'll cut my ears off! I'm not kidding."

She giggles. "Sorry, buddy. You're still my favorite."

I scoff. "Excuse me?"

She looks up at me. "You're my least favorite of all, hot stuff."

I smirk. "Ditto, baby."

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