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hii there might only be 1 update tomorrow because I'm moving into my new apartment so if there is I apologize :(

this one is about feelings ~heave~

Beth's POV

"I can't believe he kissed you out in the open like that. You guys are lucky it was dark outside and nobody saw you."

I shrug. "I don't know. I didn't really care if anyone did at that point, I don't think he did either."

I'm sitting at the dining table with Nat and Wanda, we ate lunch together since everyone, including Bucky, is out on a mission.

Wanda perks up. "Do you want to see the picture?"

I think about it. "I guess, I'm kind of curious to know why it was so important for you to take one."

She smiles and pulls out her phone. "You'll see."

She flips her phone around and shows me a photo. It's me and Bucky laying on the blanket, his hand on my face as he kisses me.

I look back up at her. "What's your point?"

She rolls her eyes and flips to another picture. This one was taken without the flash, it's of us kissing again, but you can see the reflection of the fireworks on our skin and the bursts in the sky behind us.

I didn't even realize I was smiling until Nat speaks. "See, I knew you'd understand."

I wipe the smile off my face and look back up at her. "No. I don't."

She rolls her eyes and turns to Wanda. "Wait, have I showed you the pictures of them in the bathtub?"

She gasps. "No! Oh my god, show me!"

I groan and lean back in my seat. "Why the hell are you both taking our picture all the time? And don't say 'for the wedding.'"

Nat smirks and shrugs, handing her phone over to Wanda. "I have no other explanation. I think you two like each other a lot more than you think."

"If I admit we're kind of friends will you stop?"

She laughs. "I'm not talking about you being friends, babe."

I raise my brow. "Then what do you mean?"

She rolls her eyes, amused. "You sleep together every night, you both know about each other's past, you haven't fought in I don't know how long, you have the worlds best sexual chemistry, you literally take bubble baths together-"

"Okay? We're sleeping together."

She leans forward a little. "Okay, let me ask you think. Do you guys have sex every time you're in bed with each other?"

"No, but-"

"Have many times have you had sex?"

I think about it. "Uh, I don't know. Maybe like 5?"

"And you've been sleeping in the same bed for how long?"

"I don't know, a week and a half?"

"How many of those days did you have sex? Or do anything at all other than sleep?"

I huff. "I don't know, 2? Maybe 3? Why does any of this matter?"

She rolls her eyes. "B. You and Bucky are basically dating, I hate to break it to you."

I scoff. "I've threatened him with a knife on multiple occasions, we couldn't even stand to be near each other for 3/4 of the time that I've been here and it's only been, what, a month and a half?"

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