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happy thanksgiving for everyone who celebrated <3 I hope all of you had a wonderful week ily all so much

Bucky's POV


Good god, I hate the holiday. I remember even hating it as a child back in the 20's. I like the fact that there's food, but I could make that shit any day of the week if I really wanted to.

What I really hate is all the socializing.

I always hated having to make conversation with estranged aunts and uncles and cousins and what-the-fuck-ever else.

The worst part of it all?

When they make you go around and say something you're fucking thankful for. It's mortifying.

If Beth wasn't a person, I would've definitely hid in my room all day and skipped the 2 o'clock lunch altogether.

On that same subject, why the fuck is it always served so late? I was always told never to eat breakfast so that I'd have more room for the thanksgiving food, but holy fuck do they try to starve me by making me wait so damn long.

I was happy about Beth getting a break from having her brain prodded at today, maybe we could've finally had sex again (nope, still haven't since the Halloween party), but then she did the fucking unthinkable and offered to help them cook.

I would've went down there to sit just so I could be near her, since I've barely seen her for over a week, but I didn't want to be forced to help, too.

But like a holy god damn grail, after sitting around doing nothing for hours, I finally got the call from JARVIS to head to one of the showrooms on the 3rd floor, the same floor as Beth's classroom.

Once I enter the room, I see I dodged a major bullet. The entire room had been decorated, there is an unspeakable amount of food lined up on the table, and everyone in here seems a little on edge. I see Beth across the room talking to Sam and I head over, walking up behind her.

She spins around when I'm a few feet from her, like she could sense my presence. She puffs out a breath of air and smiles at me. She excuses herself from Sam and meets me the rest of the way. "Hi, baby." She smiles brightly at me.

I muster up a smile for her, too. "Hi, beautiful. Why do you look so.."

She cuts me off, wrapping her arms limply around my neck. "Annoyed? Pissed off? Completely, over-the-top ready to off myself right here and now?" I laugh a little and nod at her, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist. She leans in closer to talk in a hushed voice. "I'll give you one guess."

Ah. "Tony?" She nods, muttering a 'yep' and popping the 'p' at the end. "Why is he all jittery today? It's not like there's a party?"

She rolls her eyes. "I have no fucking clue. The only person I know who's coming that isn't a usual person around here is Peter's aunt. There's absolutely no reason why he should be up everyone's dick."

I snort out a laugh at her words. "You're ridiculous. There's gotta be a reason, though."

She hums, her face slowly morphing into a smile. "20 dollars I find out what it is before you."

I roll my eyes. "20 dollars is nothing to you, you freak. Let's bet on something actually worth while."

She purses her lips in thought. "Massages every day for a week?"

I lean up and give her a quick kiss. "You're on."

Before we could even unlatch ourselves to shake on it, a voice bursts in the room. "Can you two horn-dogs detach for 5 fucking minutes? There's still shit that needs to be carried to the table, maybe try helping out for once."

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