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Bucky's POV

"How can you be excited? We literally put on costumes all the fucking time. This is stupid."

She laughs as she scrolls on her laptop. I went with her this morning to pick up some stuff from her apartment that she needed and her laptop was resting on her couch, untouched for months. I'm honestly surprised that it works. "It's different."

I throw my hands up. "Kids literally dress up as us for halloween. It's not different."

She sits up from her laying position, crawling across the bed towards me. "Quit being a debby downer." She kisses me for a few seconds. "I'm not putting you in something dumb, don't worry. Just go with the flow, James." Her hands make little wave motions as she speaks.

I roll my eyes. "Fine."

She smiles at me and runs her fingers through my hair. "My favorite push-over."

I squint my eyes at her. "I'll change my mind right now."

"No you won't." She smiles at me, leaning down to kiss me again, this time harder.

Once she pulls away I purse my lips. "You're right. Sorry, boss."

She laughs loudly, moving away from me to go back to searching. "Honestly, I'm just confused why Tony would make this such short notice? The party is literally tonight and he just told us this morning."

I close my eyes, breathing out deeply. "You know Stark. He probably just woke up in the mood to get drunk tonight."

She laughs, her feet swinging in the air behind her body. "You're right. Still, though, what's everyone else wearing?" She looks around, then huffs. "Nat!" She yells, excruciatingly loud.

A few seconds later, Natasha walks in the door. "You rang?"

I can see Beth smile from the side of her face. "What are you wearing to the party?"

Nat walks over, sitting on the bed at my feet. "I wear the same thing every year. My black leather suit and cat ears."

Beth drops her head in disappointment. "You wear your crime fighting suit with ears?"

I laugh a little. "Told you."

Her head spins around to glare at me. Nat rolls her eyes. "No one else does, I just am not particularly fond of Halloween. I don't care enough to go out and buy something."

I swear to god I can see the wheels turning in Beth's head. "If I got you something, would you wear it?"

Nat sighs. "B, I-"

"Natashaaa," she says in a sing-song voice.

Nat just continues to stare at her, tapping her foot.

Beth's mouth slowly curves into a smile. "Come on. I'll give you a kiss-"


I sit up from my position. "Hey!"

Nat turns around to stride out of the room. "We're just kidding, Barnes. Calm down." I would've believed her, but she turned around and winked at Beth, which made her giggle.

Once Nat left, my head whips to Beth. "You're basically a prostitute now."

She laughs loudly. "I am not!"

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