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Bucky's POV

Yesterday was an excruciatingly long day of Beth making Tony do stuff she wouldn't even normally want done on a regular day. Not that I minded, though, it was pretty funny watching him give her a foot massage. She tried to get him to make breakfast in the morning right before her 24 hours was up, but apparently Tony remembered he had a free pass from the day he allowed her to go ride bikes with us, so he was relieved of that duty.

Tony informed us this morning that the last HYDRA base mission won't be for another few weeks, it's much bigger and will take a lot more surveillance and preparation. I was worried B would be bummed, but she seemed to be a little relieved again.

In all honesty, I whole heartedly believe she wants to find him and kill him for what he did.. but it's still her father, so I'm not exactly sure if she'll be able to. I couldn't imagine killing one of my parents.. then again they didn't murder my entire family. She's not a very open person about what she's actually feeling, especially if it makes her seem like less of a badass, so I honestly don't think she'll even mention it. The most I've gotten out of her was what she told me in the jet at the first mission.

Either way, she's currently playing a song on the piano and laughing her heart out, so I don't think she's that upset about not going right away.

Long story short, Sam had bet that Beth didn't have any normal person talents. Apparently knife-twirling and ass-kicking don't fall under that category. When she said she could play the piano, he said she had to prove it. So, now we're all in the ballroom and a bunch of people have thrown out song requests.

Stupid ones, may I add. Peter literally asked her to play the super mario brothers theme song, whatever the fuck that even is.

She's done about 6 of them when she stops and looks up. "Does anyone know how to play heart and soul? Either part."

Oh no. Please don't ask me. Please, don't ask-

Steve's dumb ass speaks up. "Buck does."

Everyone turns in my direction. I glare at Steve. "Seriously?"

He laughs and throws his arms up. "My bad."

I look back over at B and she's staring at me hopefully. "Please, Bucky. It was the first song I learned when I was little. You know.. when I had a family." She gives the worlds most dramatic puppy dog eyes.

Everyone in the room either coos or yells at me to get up. I groan and stand from my seat. "Fine! Fuck."

B perks up immediately. "Which side do you want?"

I shrug. "I can play both, you pick."

She raises a brow. "Seriously?"

I nod. "Are you doubting me?"

She smiles. "I am, actually. Start on the right and then we can switch. Oh! Let's make this interesting." She looks at the rest of them. "Hey! We're gonna play it once and then switch sides and play it again. All of you come to a census as to which one was better."

I look over at her. "How do we know who wins then?"

She rolls her eyes and talks quieter so that they can't hear. "Whoever is playing the left side of the winning song is the champion. Obviously."

I laugh. "Okay, sorry."

She smiles and then looks back at them. "You whores ready?"

All of them either nod, give a thumbs up, or say a verbal agreement.

I nudge her with my shoulder, getting my hands in position. "Are you ready, whore?"

She laughs loudly. "You should not say that word. You're like 100, grandpas shouldn't know those words."

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