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Beth's POV

I finished up my shower and got dressed a few minutes ago, now I'm just laying on my bed staring at the ceiling. I wish I had my laptop, I would probably have to fist fight everyone in this house to get control over the TV in the common room. I have to talk to Tony about getting me a TV with Netflix in here.

"Miss B, Mr. Stark told me to inform you dinner is ready."

I sit up and hop off the bed. "Finally. Thanks JARVIS."

"My pleasure."

I walk out of my room as Wanda is coming out of hers. She smiles at me. "Hey B."

"Hey, Wanda. I feel like I've only gotten to talk to you a handful of times."

She nods and walks with me to the elevator. "I know. We'll have to go do something some time. Has Tony given you your credit card yet?"

My eyes widen. "Credit card? I'll get one of those?"

She pressed the elevator button once we get to it, the doors open immediately and we walk in. "Yes, Tony gives them to everyone. Are you allowed to leave the tower yet?"

I laugh. "I'm going on a mission tomorrow, but other than for that, no."

She nods. "That must be why you haven't gotten it yet. Once you're granted the will to leave, he'll give you one."

The elevator stops on a floor a couple down from ours. Bucky, Sam, and Steve step in. Steve nods his head at us. "Ladies."

Me and Wanda move to the sides to let them get in the back and we step in front of them. Bucky somehow ends up directly behind me. I swear I can feel the heat coming off of his body.

I'm sure it's obvious that I'm uncomfortable. Wanda eyes me suspiciously, but I ignore her.

Suddenly, she gasps. Everyone looks in her direction.

Sam speaks first. "You alright?"

She looks at me then Bucky.

Oh my god. She can read minds.

"I thought you-"

I reach forward and put my hand over her mouth. "Wanda, stop talking."

Sam speaks again. "Okay, now I feel like we're just out of the loop. Someone explain."

I take my hand off of her mouth and back up. "No explanation necessary. She's just been a little off today. Right, Wanda?"

She leans towards me and whispers, not very quietly may I add, "More like you got off today."

Sam immediately starts cackling. I reach my hand up and smack my forehead. "Wanda. I'm gonna hurt you."

Steve looks confused for a minute then makes a disgusted face. "Oh my god. Ew. C'mon, seriously? I did not need that image in my head." I don't even wanna know what face Bucky is making.

I scoff. "I'm sorry, so you guys can do it to yourselves multiple times a day but when a woman fingers themself it's not okay? I'm disappointed in all of you. It's a shame really."

I hear Bucky snicker behind me. I reach back and elbow him in his ribs. Sam and Steve look like their ears are about to fall off.

Wanda looks confused. "Wait no, that's not-" I send her daggers with my eyes. She raises her eyebrows in realization. "Oh yeah, yeah. I agree. Shameful men, you all are."

Steve raises his hands in defeat. "Fine, I take it back as long as you promise to never speak of this again."

I nod at him. "Agreed."

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