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HIII a lot of you commented and I loved hearing where everyone's from!!! So many cool places

also if anyone is tired of seeing stupid grammar errors bc I'm a lazy bitch feel free to comment or shoot me a dm if you wanna edit them for me before I post HAHAHAHA

Bucky's POV

Honestly, I've been a little skeptical Beth is just fucking with me to get me calm before she attacks me and bolts. I was never this calm and open to conversation whenever I found out I had lost all my memories, I mean I ran away to Romania for fucks sake.

But as I'm sitting here making her the pasta she loves and answering all her random questions, I'm not doubting her intentions at all.

"So, wait. You're telling me I held a knife to your throat and we still ended up sleeping together?"

I start pouring some sauce onto the tortellinis and laugh a little. "Yeah, we hated each other for a long time." I pause for a second, grabbing the plate and sliding it over to where she sat at the island. "Well, actually, you hated me longer than I hated you. Most of my hatred was just denial."

She looks down at the plate and picks up the fork, speaking again before she shoves one of the noodles in her mouth. "Denial of what?" She takes a bite and her eyes widen. She speaks with her mouth still full. "Holy shit this is good."

I laugh and smile at her. "Yeah, it's your favorite thing that I make you. But, I guess denial that you are actual a good person and not who I thought you were."

She finished chewing before answering me. "And who did you think I was?"

I give her a sheepish smile. "Uh, well.. the reason we met was because there was this trained assassin killing men who abused or killed their wives or kids.. and that was you."

Her eyes widen. "What? Then why do I live here? I'm so confused, just.." she flails her hands around, "keep talking while I finish this."

I smirk and continue. "You had been doing it for years and they never caught you. No one even knew your intentions. We ended up getting asked to find you and bring you in, and we did, but then within like an hour you had won Tony over and he gave you a room. Eventually everyone found out why you went after these men and we all realized you weren't a bad person. I mean, you can pick up Thor's hammer for fucks sake-"

She interrupts me, pausing her eating. "Who's Thor? And what's his hammer do?"

I close my eyes. "Right. Um, he's the god of thunder, no one can pick up his hammer unless they're 'worthy' or some shit, no one can pick it up except you and him that we know of."

Her eyes widen. "Man, I'm a catch honestly. I fight for women's rights and can pick up a magic hammer?"

I roll my eyes and try to hold back my smile. "Keep eating, you dork. We have a lot of ground to cover."

She holds up her thumb and continues eating. So, I continue on my speech. "Let's see what else I can tell you about yourself.." I tap my hand on the counter, "Uhh.. you swear you give the worlds best presents, but really that's me," I smirk at her, "you consider Steve your brother, you can play the piano really well, you're funny as fuck in the sense that you're quick at comebacks-"

She's finished eating and has decided to interrupt me again. "Hold your horses cowboy. What's this about a piano?"

I have to stop myself from thinking of the memory or her playing it, the memory of her telling me she loves me. "Yeah.. you're good, extremely good actually."

She furrows her brow. "I wonder if I could still do it if I tried?"

I shrug. "Maybe, you didn't use music sheets or anything. You just kind of did it. We can try that out later." I pick up her plate and fork and rinse it off in the sink, then turn back to her and nod my head towards the door. "Come on, let's head down to the garage. I wanna show you something."

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