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Beth's POV

Me and Nat are by the elevator doors, waiting for it to arrive. I can see her staring at the side of my face in my peripheral vision. I slowly turn my head towards her. "Yes?"

She makes a face. "B."


"I just have so many questions."

"If you have a question, ask."

She raises an eyebrow. "Really? That easy?"

I nod. "Go for it, you know I don't lie."

She nods her head. "Alright, why were you cuddling with him?"

"After our vigorous activities I asked him if he wanted to watch a movie. I figured we'd probably have sex again afterwards, during even, but we both fell asleep. Last thing I remember was Bucky being awake and I was sitting up feeling tired. We didn't purposefully lay like that."

She makes a face. "Alright, next question. How did you sleep for almost 7 straight hours?"

I whip my head towards her. "What do you mean?"

She rolls her eyes. "Babe, I have the room beside you, thin walls remember? I hear you up doing shit all night. You're in your room for a long time, but you don't sleep that much. I can't remember a single time I didn't hear you move for more then a 2 hour time frame."

I stay quiet for a minute. The elevator arrives, so we step in. "I don't know, if I'm being honest. Maybe the sex wore me out?"

Bucky and Steve just so happen to walk in the elevator right as I say that last sentence. Bucky speaks."That's what I said!"

Steve closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Once again, unnecessary information."

I smile at him. "Sorry, Steve. Also, how are you not more freaked out? You seem pretty calm, considering."

He shakes his head. "Nah, you guys give off a lot of red flags. For one, you both went from saying you would never befriend each other to saying 'I'll consider it.' That was a dead giveaway, you both hated each other when you got here."

Me and Bucky are both quiet for a minute. The elevator is eerily silent, I decide to break it after a few seconds. "Just so you know, I still hate you. I'm not considering it."

Without looking at me, Bucky replies. "Same here. Glad we're in agreement."

Nat chuckles and Steve speaks again. "Oh! Also, when we were racing on the motorcycles, your hair was blowing back. Could easily see the massive hickey. Figured it had to be Bucky."

I scoff. "Why him? You don't think I could fuck Tony? What if I wanted to be one of his rendezvous?"

He turns to me and gives me a look.

I laugh, "Yeah, you're right."

"I know I'm right. By the way, you're welcome. Who's blood was that anyways?"

Nat chokes on air. "Oh my god! You left your dirty knife-kink blood all over the place? Where?"

No one says anything, I just slowly look around and then point to the floor of the elevator.

She tilts her head. "Like, downstairs?"

Steve scoffs. "I wish. I was scrubbing the floor of the elevator for 10 minutes. I was so scared one of you would get back and press the elevator button and see me scrubbing blood out of it."

Her eyes go wide. "Oh my god! You did it in here?"

Before I can even answer, Steve speaks again. "And on the dining table! In Tony's spot! I had to pluck the bloody knife off the table and disinfect it."

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