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Beth's POV

I've been back about a week now and my memory is coming back piece by piece. I remember a little bit every day, which isn't much, but it adds up.

They've all been doing random things to try and jog my memory, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but either way it's appreciated.

Honestly, I've come a long way in a week. I was scared out of my mind, had no recollection of who I was, and was ready to break out of here and go off on my own. Now? I'm completely sure this is where I'm supposed to be.

My only wish is that I could remember more about Bucky. I've only remembered a few things, and most of them were sex related. I know it's killing him that I'm remembering more stuff about the others than him, I feel terrible about it, but there's not much I can do. I spend most of my time around him, what else could help me?

I think the most detrimental thing I remembered was where my family was. A few nights ago, Bucky got up in the middle of the night to get water. He ended up chatting with Tony downstairs for a few minutes and I was left in bed alone too long, so I had a nightmare about my father killing my family. Bucky felt terrible about it, no matter how many times I tell him it's not his fault. I'm kind of glad it happened, it helped piece together why I am the way I am. Once I mentioned that to him, he hadn't brought it up since, but I know it still hurts him knowing that nightmare could've been prevented by him being there.

"I still can't believe you guys didn't think of the security footage. Never pegged you two as the sloppy type."

Me, Bucky, Wanda, and Nat are currently on our way back from the mall. Nat had brought up a smoothie that she still wanted to try and said it might could bring up a memory. Apparently Bucky had gotten one the day we shopped for Steve's birthday and it was a big deal. I assume that's where the picture on my wall of me drinking his smoothie came from.

Bucky rolls his eyes. "Sorry, I was a bit preoccupied." He turns his head back to look at her once we get to a stoplight. "I still don't believe that you didn't watch those tapes, by the way."

I turn to look at her. She smirks at him and shrugs. "Guess you'll never know. If it's any consolation, if I were to watch it, you wouldn't be the one I'm paying attention to." Her eyes dart to me and she winks. I laugh and Bucky rolls his eyes.

"Good. I don't want you knowing what my dick looks like."

She scoffs. "Yeah, like I don't already know due to B's vivid explanation."

His head whips towards me. "Excuse me?"

I smile at him. "I'm a woman! And you have a very nice dick!What do you want from me?"

He tries to hide his smile as he rolls his eyes. "I hate you."

I giggle. "Oh baby, say it again."

And now everyone's head whips towards me. Wanda speaks for the first time in a while. "What did you just say?"

My eyes widen and I back up slightly towards the door, confused why they're all suddenly in my face. "I'm sorry.. was that not okay to say?"

They continue to just stare at me. I throw my hands up. "Hello?"

Nat's eyes don't leave me as she speaks. "Buck?"

He continues to stare at me, too. "Yeah?"

"Kiss your girlfriend before I do."

He nods. "On it."

He grabs the back of my head with his hand and slams our faces together. I can only enjoy it for a second before I start laughing. I mumble against his mouth, "I'm so confused!"

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