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proof of the bacon promposal at the bottom LOL

Beth's POV

I'm a little annoyed at the fact Tony wouldn't let me help everyone decorate. Not because I wanted to decorate, but because I've been sitting in my room bored out of my mind for hours now. I don't ever really get alone time anymore, I'm usually with Bucky most of the time.

Who have I become? I went from a 'kill all men' assassin with no friends or family to a love-sick avenger. Explain that one.

I've gotten a lot done today. I painted my nails, I took a long bath, I cleaned up the fort (and by cleaned up, I mean took out my 1 singular pillow and blanket and put it on my bed), I even waxed my own eyebrows. Oh! And I changed my contacts for the first time in forever, which, yes, is repulsive, but I really couldn't care less.

You know what sucks, though? I can punch harder than a normal person, run faster than a normal person, and can heal wounds at a ridiculously fast rate.. but you're telling me I still have poor eyesight?

Shit makes no sense. I was pissed when I came to that revelation.

It was now 4 and my party wasn't until 8. As I'm looking at myself in the mirror, I realize my hair has grown another few inches and it could definitely use a touch up with the blonde dye. My hair is naturally a dirty blonde and I hate getting my hair done, so I always get a balayage so that I never have to get my roots touched up.

I walk back to my room and grab my phone off my bed, dialing Tony's number. It takes him a few rings before he finally answers. "You better be dying, I'm in the middle of something."

Hm. I'm bored, might as well have a little fun. I make my voice a bit deeper and speak in Russian. "привет, мистер Старк." (Hello, Mr. Stark)

I hear him gasp. "Oh my god! Where is she? What have you done with her?"

I can't help but to laugh. "Just kidding. I need a favor."

He groans, but before he can answer me, he yells to Bucky. "Barnes, she's fine! She was kidding. Get back in here and keep decorating." He huffs. "Hold on."

I hear some shifting and then I hear Bucky's voice. "That wasn't funny, Beth."

I try and suppress my laughter. "Sorry, baby. I'm bored, couldn't help it." I twirl a piece of my hair around my finger, my brain hatching an idea. "You know, you could always come entertain me."

I hear a throat clear. Tony grits through his teeth. "You're on speaker."

I cover my hand with my mouth. "Whoops?"

He mumbled an "Mhm," and then says, "Goodbye, Barnes."

I put my hand on my hip. "Hey, I wasn't done talking to him!"

"Actually, can you come down here a minute? We've still got a lot of setting up to do, so it will still be a surprise. I need help with something and I think you're the only one who has expertise in it."

I immediately run over to my door. "Be there in 2!"

I skip the elevator all together and decide to just sling myself down the stairs. I started out running down them, but it just got to be too many steps, so I started sliding down the rails. Very efficient, by the way. Within a minute I'm bursting through the ballroom door. "Here!"

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