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hehehe enjoy a dif POV <3

Nat's POV

Everyone got back about an hour ago, mostly everyone went to bed.

I walk into the kitchen and see Steve. "Ah, just the senior citizen I was looking for."

He rolls his eyes and sets down the juice carton he got out. "Funny. What's up?"

I sit down at a chair on the island. "What are you thoughts on B and Bucky?"

He raises his eyebrow. "Umm, well I think they have feelings for each other and just don't want to admit it. I also think they make each other better and that I've never seen Bucky this happy."

I smile. "Perfect. You down for a scheme?"

His squints his eyes at me. "Like what?" He takes a sip of the juice he just poured.

"I want to make them go on a date."

He laughs a little. "Nat, we can't force them."

I shake my head. "No, no.. we're not going to. I'm thinking we make it part of a game."

He sets his glass down onto the counter. "What do you mean?"

I raise an eyebrow. "New York scavenger hunt?"

"How is a scavenger hunt going to make them go on a date? And doesn't that include the entire team?"

I give him a half-smirk. "We'll make one of the destinations a nice dinner that they both end up at, everyone else will be in different parts of the city."

"That's kind of still forcing them."

I sit back in my chair. "I'm willing to bet that they leave, but end up doing something together anyways."

He shakes his head. "I don't think that's how it's going to work out."

"Wanna bet on it?"

I hold out my hand for him to shake. He stares at it for a minute before looking back up at me. "50 bucks?"


He grabs my outstretched hand and shakes it. "You're on."

I nod. "It's a bet then. I'll go ask Tony."

I head to the elevator and get inside. "Hey JARVIS, where's Tony?"

"He is in his lab, Miss Romanoff."

I press the floor number of his lab and the elevator rises. Once there, I hop out and search for him. I find him in the corner making adjustments to a suit, I think it's Peter's. "Tony, question."

"Natasha, answer."

I smirk. "Can we play a game tomorrow?"

He continues to look at the suit. "Like what?"

"New York scavenger hunt?"

He turns to look at me. "What's that?"

"Put riddles on a card of a location, first person to get to the end wins. I'll do the whole thing."

He shrugs. "Sounds fine to me. I might not play though, I'm trying to finish this suit for the kid. His isn't exactly up to par."

Works for me. I won't have to keep him away from B and Bucky then. "That's fine. Thanks, Tony." I leave and head to Tony's office to grab supplies to make the game and then head back to my room.


I stayed up most of the night creating riddles, which, by the way, are not super fucking easy to make. I didn't end up finishing until around 4:30 am.

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