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an early update bc u whores are hilarious (might be another one later idk hehehe)

Bucky's POV

A few days later, Tony finally called us all for a meeting. He said we'd leave in the morning for the first HYDRA base and gave us all the rundown. He also mentioned that he never saw Beth's father in the cameras, but some of them probably live there, so it's possible that he's still there. Luckily, when me and Steve asked B a few weeks ago, she was okay with staying with me at the quinjet. She said as long as we brought him back alive, she didn't have a preference.

"So, what exactly are we supposed to be doing?"

I shrug. "Guarding the jet, I suppose."

She looks over at me. "Would this be a bad time to suggest a quickie?"

I whip my head over to her. "Excuse me?"

She laughs a little and shrugs. "I've never fucked in a jet."

I shake my head, amused. "You're insane. That's a terrible idea."

"Are you turning me down, Barnes?"

I prop my gun up on my shoulder and walk over to her, grabbing her face with my free hand. I kiss her forehead then give her a short kiss for a few seconds. "I would never. But it's a terrible idea. So, yeah I am."

She laughs and pushes me away. "Fine, your loss."

I laugh a little as I walk back over to my spot. "I know, baby. I know."

Suddenly, there's distant sounds of gunfire and explosions. She groans. "They better not kill him."

"Doll, they're not gonna kill him."

She rolls her eyes. "Tony probably would just to spite me after what we did in his office."

I laugh. "That's your fault! You shouldn't have told him, you psycho."

She smiles at me. "What's the point of revenge if they never know you got them back?"

I roll my eyes. "You'd know."

"Eh. That's not as good. I like to stir the pot from time to time."

"Oh, trust me. I know."

She giggles a little, but then stops when we hear footsteps coming quickly towards us. We both keep quiet as we wait to see who it is.

A few seconds later, we see a man pop up over the hill about 20 yards away. She turns to me. "Can I please take him?"

I try and hide my smile. "All yours, baby." She begins to walk away, but I stop her. "Wait." She stops and looks at me. I reach into one of the pocket on my pants and pull out a dagger, tossing it to her.

She catches it and looks at it. "Thanks, I'll be back. Get his attention for me, would ya?"

I get in the back of the jet, hiding slightly behind the door so he only sees her. I point my gun off in the distance and shoot at the guy, making sure to miss. I watch through a small window, he turns and sees her and begins to charge at her. She just stands still, twirling the knife in her right hand.

Once he's about 10 feet from her, she quickly rears her arm back and flings the knife at him. He stops in his tracks, screaming out from the pain. She jogs towards him and does the move Steve showed her. She wraps her arm around his neck and swings her legs up, flipping onto his shoulders. He tries to flips her forward, but she keeps a tight hold on his neck. They roll into their backs and she continues choking him. She looks up towards the window. "Hey, Buck?"

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