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Beth's POV

When I wake up, Bucky is still asleep underneath me. I have to pee so bad my bladder might burst, but I don't want to leave this spot just yet.

I lay like this for another few minutes before Bucky speaks to me. "Why are you twitching?"

I hum. "I've been sleeping next to you for over a month and I still forget how hot your morning voice is every single morning."

He hums out a laugh. "You're a dork. Now why are you twitching?"

I tilt my face so that's it's pressed against his chest and mumble. "I need to pee."

He laughs loudly this time. "Why haven't you gone?"

I sit my chin on his chest and look in his eyes. "Because I don't want to leave you yet."

He smiles at me before rolling his eyes and beginning to sit up. "If I must do everything for you."

I laugh and stay attached to him. "Nooo, stay!"

Once he's sitting all the way up, he grabs my hip bones and lifts them up above his head. I screech and grab on to his shoulders. "What are you doing?"

He laughs. "When I bring you down, put your legs around my hips."

He slowly starts lowering me and I do as he says, wrapping my legs around his hips. He then scoots around until his legs are swung over the edge of the bed, his feet meeting the floor. I grab on tighter to him once he begins standing. He makes his way over to the bathroom with me still clinging on to him. He walks us in and sets me down in front of the toilet.

He motions towards it. "Pee."

I scoff. "Not with you standing right there."

He makes a face. "Uh, why?"

"Because that's weird!"

He stares at me in disbelief. "It's not weird. I'll pee in front of you."

"Yeah, but you're a boy. Boys don't care."

He throws his hands up. "And you're Beth! You don't care about anything or anyone! Now pee, damnit. I have to pee too, so you're about to miss you're chance."

I scoot to the side and motion to the toilet. "Go right ahead."

"Why don't we just pee at the same time? Then it won't be weird."

I laugh loudly. "That's 10,000 times weirder than before!"

"How? We will both be peeing in front of each other, so it won't be weird."

I cross my arms. "How would that even work?"

He looks down at the toilet. "Uh, well if you sit like normal and just spread your legs, I'll just go in between-"

"No! Not happening!"

"That's a good plan!"

I laugh. "No it's not, you psycho." I push him towards the door. "Just go out there a second so that I can pee, freak."

He backs up while I swat at him with his hands up. "Fine, fine. I'll leave on one condition."

I roll my eyes. "I don't think me needing privacy to urinate should have terms and conditions, but fine. What would you like?"

He smiles at me. "Be my girlfriend."

My eyes go wide. "What?"

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