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Bucky's POV

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate these parties?

Everyone's drunk (I can't even get drunk to ignore them), I look like a dork (fucking literally), and Beth always gets dragged away by someone.

Plus, every time I look at Beth I just get horny.

I'm not doing well.

So, yeah, I hate these damn parties.

I've wholeheartedly decided that sitting at the bar with Sam is the best decision for everyone.

"What are you even supposed to be?" I break out of my thoughts when I hear Sam's question to Nat.

She smirks as she pops the lid off of another beer, sliding it to me. "I honestly have no idea. B just had me put it on, so I didn't ask questions."

He laughs. "Well, you look good. I don't really understand the big picture, but nevertheless."

She laughs, handing him another beer, too. "Thanks."

I lift my new bottle to my mouth before speaking. "Speaking of Beth, where is she?"

Nat scans the room behind me. "Uh..," her eyes stop at a certain spot in the room, "she's in the corner talking to Loki."

I whip my head around to look at her. "Is it me or does she have a conniving look on her face?"

Nat and Sam answer at the same time. "Yep."

I huff and hop off of the bar stool. "Be back in a second. Gotta make sure she's not trying to prank us or something."

I don't even wait for their reply before striding across the room to her. Once I reach them, their conversation stops immediately. I eye them suspiciously, "What's going on over here? Making a diabolical plan?"

She smirks at me, but turns to speak to Loki instead. "You know your mission. Go execute." She shoos him away with her hand and he walks off. She turns back to me, "Definitely diabolical, but not for the prank war."

I squint my eyes. "I don't believe you."

She laughs and wraps her arms around my neck so that our faces are now almost touching. "Loki isn't even in the game anymore. He can't do anything."

Hm. She's got a point. I wrap my arms around her waist and squeeze her. "Yeah, well, I've got my eye on you."

Her right hand is removed from the back of my neck and comes around to my face, grasping my jaw. She runs her thumb across my bottom lip as she whispers to me, "You're gonna have a lot more than your eye on me later."

Aaaaand my dicks hard again. I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut, leaning my forehead on to hers. "You're killing me here."

She laughs and kisses me quickly. "Sorry. What have you been up to?"

I re-open my eyes and look at her. "Just sitting at the bar with Sam talking to Natasha."

She rolls her eyes. "You need to mingle for once in your life."

I shrug. "Why? I don't enjoy conversation with anyone but you."

She smirks up at me. "You're sweet." She pats my face. "But you need to make other friends. Every time I teach you get bored."

I laugh a little, bringing my arms from around her waist and using one of them to grab her left hand, entwining our fingers and I walk in the direction of the bar. "You should just make me your teachers assistant. I would excel at that job."

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