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Beth's POV

I decided to pull the board with the tally marks into the kitchen. I bet I looked hilarious trying to drag that shit up the stairs, because of course, it didn't fit in the damn elevator. I'll just very nicely ask Bucky to take it back down for me.

"Okay, so everything has been marked off, correct?"

Everyone finished eating lunch a few minutes ago, we just all decided to go over where we're at in the prank war. They all rake their eyes over the board, checking to make sure there's a mark for their prank. Wanda huffs. "I can't believe I'm out already. I hate all of you."

Nat hums. "Oh, baby, s-"

"Natasha, no!" Steve holds his hands over his ears, making Nat laugh.

I roll my eyes. "Sorry, Wanda. If it helps, Sam will be out soon, too."

He gasps. "Nuh-uh! My eyes are peeled. No one is pranking me ever again."

I smirk at him. "Then you better stay away from me, Samantha. You're on my team, but I'm not against a little friendly fire."

His eyes widen. "May I be excused?"

"Nope." I turn back to the board. "Okay, so-"

We interrupted by Peter running in the door. "B! Mr. Stark!"

Tony stands. "What? What's wrong? Why aren't you at school?"

He reaches us and slams a paper down on the table. "I got an 80! That's the best grade I've ever gotten!"

Tony smiles at him. "Hey! Great job, kid!"

I stand up to hug him. "That's amazing Pete, I'm so proud of you. Why an 80, though? What'd you miss?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, I didn't look. I was too excited."

I laugh and open up the test, looking through it. I found the problems she marked wrong and look at them. Huh. "Tony." I shove the paper in his direction.

He takes the paper from me and looks at the problems, his brows furrowing. He looks up at me. "You got any plans today?"

A smirk slowly spreads on my face. "If we're taking a field trip down to the school, my schedule is wide open."

He nods. "Alright, let's go. Pete, come on."

He has a confused face. "Wait, why are you guys coming to my school?"

"Because your teacher is an idiot. No wonder you were failing."

He catches up to us. "Why?"

I laugh a little. "Patience, young stallion."

Tony gets us there in less than 30 minutes, even though his school is in Queens. Peter separates from us and goes back to class while we head to the office. The receptionists eyes widen upon seeing him in her lobby. "Mr. Stark, how can I help you?"

"Yeah, we need to speak with the calculus 1 teacher. I've got an issue with how she grades."

Her brows furrow. "Who, Mrs. Mcswain?" Her eyes roll. "The number of complaints I hear about her. Go ahead to her room." She points out the door. "Take a right, go straight down that hall and make a left at the end. She's the 3rd room on the left, it's room 28."

He nods. "Thanks, we'll be back if there's any issues."

He holds the door open for me and I walk out ahead of him, starting the trek to the math room. I look around while we walk. "Man, is this what high school is like? I'm kind of glad I was abandoned as a child. This is atrocious."

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