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had to write another paper last night and this morning so I'm posting this now for you guys hehe also thank you for 97k ily all <3

Beth's POV

"Can we hurry this up? My third class will be here in," I grab Steve's wrist, looking at his watch, "20 minutes."

Steve rolls his eyes. "Tony, can you please buy tiny a watch?"

He throws his arms up. "She's rich, too! She can buy herself one!"

My hand reaches up, patting Steve's shoulder. "My phone is literally in front of me that I could've used to check the time. It's just more fun this way." I reach up and pat his face twice before pulling away.

He growls, but ignores it. "Anyway, back to the issue at hand. Who's all left?"

Tony crossed out everyone on the board who has 3 talley marks. "Me, you, Steve, Bucky, Peter, and Nat. It just seems unfair at this point, you three are always coming up with plans and I have the kid and Mr. I-treat-people-with-respect."

I hum. "How about this? I'll trade you."

His eyes squint. "Define that."

"I'll give you Bucky if you give me Peter. It'll be 3 grown men against the girls and the kid. Do we have a deal?"

I hear Bucky scoff beside me. "Wow, you're just gonna trade me out like that?"

I elbow him. "Hush, heathen."

Tony's quiet for a minute, pondering it. "This feels like a trick. Bucky already said he would spy for you, that's why I didn't pick him in the first place."

Bucky scoffs. "I'm not gonna spy for her, she just traded me out for a teenager!"

Tony's eyes move back and forth between the two of us. "You have yourself a deal. Boys, team meeting in my office once everyone leaves."

I look across the table. "Pete, buddy, you're with the winning team now. Be prepared to wreak havoc."

He laughs. "Whatever you say, B."

I grab Steve's watch again, checking the time while he grumbles. "You ready to head down? Everyone will be here soon."


An hour later, I've finished my lesson on one of the harder topics and set the marker down. "Okay. Any questions or do you guys feel good enough about it to try the practice test? Even if it's just one of you, I'll go over whatever you need me to."

Everyone looks around, but no one speaks. I nod and grab the practice tests off of my desk, handing them out at the beginning of the aisles and letting them pass them back.

Not even 10 minutes later, Peter is the first one done. He comes up to my desk and holds out the paper. I raise my brows and smile. "Wow, that was fast. You feelin' confident?"

He nods and breathes out a laugh. "Yeah, I don't know, it's something about the way you teach. It just makes sense."

I smile at him. "Thanks, Pete." A thought forms in my head. "Hey, do me a favor, would ya?"

His brows furrow. "Yeah, of course."

I nod my head towards the door. "Go to the conference room across the hall and grab two chairs while I grade your test."

He nods and heads out of the room. I go to my phone and test Natasha, telling her to meet me in my classroom. I look down at Peter's paper, double checking his work and answers. Perfect.

Peter comes back with two chairs, placing them beside my desk. Nat shows up a minute or two later. She slips in the room and quietly shuts the door behind her. "Hey, what's up?" She says once she's beside my desk.

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