Chapter 1: Backward Flow of Time

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The phone was silent in the bedroom, and Qi Tang slept very restlessly.

The air was filled with cool and comfortable warmth, and the breath that Alpha had temporarily stayed in became lighter.

The twitching in his abdomen seemed to be a regular painful tugging. After a while, Qi Tang half-squinted and opened his eyes, only to find that his private mobile phone was muted.

"Secretary of the Hong Tian Fang" two o'clock call, at this point what are generally called emergency -

Qi Tang hand for a moment to let him cover micro cold sweats lower abdomen, cheer and asked, "Hong secretary?"

"You finally answered the phone!" Hong Tianfang's voice sounded unusually panicked, "Yan always had a car accident on the way to Qi's family, now at the Capital Hospital..."

The light turned on suddenly, and Qi Tang moved quickly to change his clothes. Only the trembling when pulling the door reveals his suppressed tension.

"When did Yanren go out?" Qi Tang's voice still sounded calm, just a little cold.

"More than an hour ago--"

The street light was alternately bright and dark outside the car window, Qi Tang was in the back seat, the chaos in his brain was turned into a blank, and all the voices seemed to melt and become lonely and dim.

"Mr Qi, you can't go any faster, you're already speeding."

Qi Tang was taken aback for a while before he realized that he had urged the driver

Secretary Hong stood alone at the entrance of the hospital, Qi Tang directly pulled his legs upstairs, the light was pale and turned into the darkness, and the corridor looked extremely cold in the sound of stepping.

Yanren's mother Gu Ning stood up as soon as she saw Qi Tang, as if she had found the backbone.

When Qi Tang panted and recovered, he had already shook Gu Ning's hand and persuaded her not to panic. His body got rid of his masterless spirit, and the whitewashing was as convincing as peace.

"President Yan called me and said he was going to the Qi family, and asked me to bring some bodyguards over. Who knew that there would be an accident halfway, Lao Zhang didn't have time to rescue him... The police said that the vehicle involved in the accident had been found, and it was Star C. ·1013......"

The falling sensation in the abdomen was accompanied by the frequency of the heartbeat, like pulling down and pulling, and even the ribs became painful.

The light of "in operation" went out, and Qi Tang got up all of a sudden.

Everyone surrounded the door quietly and fearfully, and the door opened slowly.

Are you Mr. Yan's lover?

I'm sorry—it's too serious.

I'm very sorry-I have tried my best.

The numbness is like an electric current climbing in the spinal cord, and it poured into the body like cold and gloomy. Everything in the line of sight was pulled and darkened, and the face was shrinking in front of Qi Tang.

"Xiaotang!!" Gu Ning burst into tears.

Morning light enters the room and strolls under the pure white curtains.

The mahogany floor was strewn with gold leaf, and the double bed was lit by fluorescent lights.

Even in his sleep, Qi Tang's eyebrows are still eye-catching, but the feeling of alienation and coldness has not been reduced.

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